Performance knob

Hi guys, I would like to know what you guys do with Digitone to perform…
Do you have any tips to perform with Digitone apart from FUNC+NO to reload the track back?
Would be nice to mess with them 4 track and get it back to the previous flow.
Anyone have a hint to drop on how to get a good perfomance on the master.
Something similar to Analog Four or RYTH MK2, Like a performance knob on all the tracks together.
I really miss this feature


I’m thinking about using Mods with external midi or midi loopback, using the same midi channel for all tracks. Seems to work.

Modulation Wheel
Breath Controller

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Also, fill trigs, and every other trick to get as much mileage out of each pattern - per-track scales, good M.LEN, X:Y trig conditions, sound locks.

Also, mod-wheel per-track with nice assignments. Especially dedicated adherent: Custom Controller for Digitone - 4x Modwheel, is it possible? [Update: did it + mini tutorial]


Is it possible to assign all tracks using Modulation wheel in one knob in the MIDI set section of Digitone? I am finding it very difficult to work it out.
Thanks for the reply tho

Unfortunately not but that would be great.
The 8 additional knobs currently control only the selected 8 user controls of the currently selected track.
I think the only way to assign them to macros is to use MIDI loopback and a MIDI track for control.
A nice update with assignable macros controlling parameters across all 4 tracks would be lovely!
It would be a much better use of the controls. I must admit that I tend to neglect those controls at the moment.


I always use the mod wheel for this… You have like for parameters you can control at once and it is simple to go back to 0. I have a keys though so i guess it is much easier since it is right there.

I’m using programmable knobs on my SL MK2 keyboard to send Mod Wheel for each of the 4 Digitone tracks.
Gives me something like a macro, accessible for all tracks all the time.

(Mod Wheel, Aftertouch [not a normal CC], Breath Control as well as Pitch Bend can each be set up to move 4 parameters, manual section 9.5.11)

Most patches for DN have Mod Wheel already, and most for Keys have Aftertouch too. Breath Control is rarely used, so could be a good user custom one.


That is an excellent idea. I’ve already got faders for the 4 internal tracks mapped, and I always put MIDI CC 7 on the external synths’ Values page so they get a fader too. I’ve got eight knobs free and you’ve just given me a use for six of them, thanks :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Ooh this is a great idea. I’ve just ordered a Keystep 37 and I guess it could be used to control the mod wheel for each of the tracks on my Digitone.

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