Persist external mixer delay/reverb send values in MIDI bank

I use one midi instruments (moog minitaur) through midi cable with the Digitakt. The audio output of this monophonic synth is sent back to Digitakt for audio treatment via L input.

Thanks to the latest DT updates, i can now, modify on the fly the parameters for this input, such as volume, pan, delay and reverb sent.

As, for example, I wanted only a few notes that are played through MIDI to be affected by delay/reverb audio effect in the DT, I was wondering how to make that happen without having to touch the knob during the live performance.

My first idea was that it was possible to assign variations of these external mixer parameters to trigs, which doesnt seem possible (picking a trig of the midi bank A and modifying external mixer value). But that doesn’t work, the DT won’t even allow me to modify the value of external mixer params when i’m on the trig view.

My second idea was to use some sort of CC that to but i’m confused as per my understanding CCs from banks are used to modify the way the instrument plays from the DT, not the way DT affects audio signal…

My question:

  • Is it any way to achieve that?
  • is it any CC you can map on a midi track that i could “bind” to some internal DT variables so I can write a bassline that will only use delay/reverb o na few notes.

Any input infinitely appreciated



for the record, i found this list of ccs in the digitakt manual.

I’m going to try to arrange the way i plugged the midi (using a thru) in order to have DT send midi to itself and see if that works, keeping you updated :slight_smile:

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well that didn’t work, i have no clue how to send these ccs to digitakt (from digitakt) in order to modulate external mixer params. any input appreciated

Yes! You can! This is what the FX channel is in the MIDI channel settings, it’s where you can address CC commands for Ext in, reverb, delay, and compression.

To control DT Fx channel and the Minitaur with just DT, you can use MIdI loopback—standard midi cable out to in, and thru (which is now out) to Minitaur. Assign one channel to Minitaur, and one or more to the fx channels, and go to town with the sequencer and the MIDI LFOs on all those parameters…

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Humanprogram, recursives thanks to you for clarifying the purpose of the FX channel!

I’m going to give that a try now by:

  1. assigning Midi bank A to minitaur (done already)
  2. plugging midi cable from DT Midi out to DT Midi in
  3. plug a 2nd midi cable from DT Midi Thru to Minitaur
  4. praise the lord and keep you updated in case of success!

Cool! Watch out for loopback issues, though—turn off either send or receive for transport, clock, and make sure there are no overlapping channels!

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It worked flawlessly and it’s insane as i can now program trig params on midi notes via CC to be sent to DT and modifiy external mixer. I just had to replace the Midi bank on minitaur from 1 to 9 in order not to send notes to the kick (which lives on channel1) :slight_smile:

Arigato gozaimashita


Terrific—yes, it’s a really powerful feature. I made a video a while back about a few ideas for it. Chorus on the Minitaur might be fun…

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Also beware of hitting stop twice when using midi loop back, as I understand it can freeze the DT.

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Just in case someone else is stumbling on this and somehow ends up on this thread:

  • if you plan to modify the CC directly on the midi bank that plays your external instrument you need to be aware that it has to use the same CC as the one in Midi config > Channels > FX control ch.
  • so, if in my case, channel 1 is now used by FX control ch as my instrument plays on this midi channel (1)
  • this is “invisible” but I assume it’s the rule of midi transportation protocol as you need to have both the notes dedicated to the external synth and the cc dedicated to DT on the same track to facilitate your work.

Hope it make sense :slight_smile:

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for the record here is the result !

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