Phasing Problem when recording audio channels

hello guys,

hope all is well. i am trying to find out what is causing this problem:

i have 2 channels playing together a bassline and a clicky sound.

when i press play at the drum machine i get a loud, proud, in-phase groove that sound like this (please note due to zippyshare the sound quality is not great):

but when i record both channels in audio, separately and put them in my DAW, i get horrible phasing which totally alters the character of the track and sounds like this:

i have everything starting perfectly at the same time, with the same amount of latency, however, for some reason they are in phase only in the drum machine, never on the DAW. I tried to move the files to get rid of it, or flip the phase but nothing worked.

the only solution so far is to have them recorded in the same channel, but then i wont be able to arrange them as i wont and i wont be able to EQ & mix them as i want.

any ideas on what might be causing this?

thanks in advance!


Are you recording the tracks individually?

Or simultaneously?

If you’re recording them one at a time:

My guess is because the Machinedrum sequencer does not have sample accurate timing. That is to say, there is a small amount of swing on each step depending upon the DSP load per given time.

Have a read here:

Why don’t you try assigning each channel to an individual external out.

Then record the external outputs simultaneously.

The summing will occur in your DAW which may sound different to the MD.

If you’re already recording them simultaneously, what DAW are you using?
If it’s ableton, try turning off WARP.