PI machine issue

Hi there!

I am experimenting an issue on a machinedrum MK1 SPS1-UW.

Sold this trusted drummachine to a guy, who, after receiving it, reported me an issue about P-I machine’s loading…
Everything is running smoothly, but when the guy swap any random machine to P-I one’s, the machindrum is freezing (sequencer stops, leds lit).

Only a hard reboot is solving the issue, wich occure again as soon as he selects a P-I engine.

I’ve never ran into this kind of issue…the guy is sending me back the unit…
So, I’m here to investigate, if any of U experimented this kind of issue.

Thanks in advance for your insight!

I’d try the seemingly catch-all strategy of opening up the unit and reseating all connectors.

Yeah … I think that it’s the best hypothesis! That a connector seemingly disconnected from on of the cards…
I was wondering… are the machines DSP originated? Like one DSP per machine? If not… No reason for the machinedrum to behave like this so it should be the connector… Wanna check this out as soon as I get it :wink:

Thanks for your input!