Pick up track focus


Is there a way to avoid pick up machines to focus the recording track when recording via midi ?

I work with a friend looping herself and it is really annoying while I am tweaking parameters…

Hope there is a way to fix this!

can’t look at this right now - curious though - what exact commands are being sent ?

Notes C# [61] or D[62] are sent to the OT to start recording the inputs with pickup machines.

For example if I am working on Track 1 and my friend hits C#[61] on channel 3 to record input A into the pick up on track 3, the selected track instantly becomes track 3

Very frustrating since we are going to play live and this issue could really mess up the performance… if anybody knows a fix for this please let me know

BTW thanks Avantronica for looking that up

haven’t managed a poke around - but sure sounds like a slam-dunk, I guess two users wasn’t something they’d expect to work around
I’ve done some nifty midi things with the OT that basically allow me to select a particular track (aot next / prev etc) and it works plenty fast enough - perhaps the workaround trick here is to send the PUM commands and follow it instantly with another spurious midi command(or seq of commands) to put you back to where you were- ultimately it will be unsatisfactory and limited to taking you ‘back’ to a set track and could get ugly - it sounds like a simple request, assuming there’s no other solutions being overlooked - the problem you have is that it’s a request for one (and could be a bind for others, except as a ‘focus’ option)
fwiw - controlling via Lemur app or similar allows you to create command ‘macros’ that could be triggered by vanilla command inputs - so it may be that you need to get creative with your performing partner !

haha that’s exactly the work around I was thinking of!!!
Since the midi is sent from Lemur, when my friend hits the record command it would also execute a Lemur script taking me straight back to another track, only thing is… which track am I working on at that exact moment and how to get Lemur to know this…
Anyway thanks for looking this up, I will post if I find a way
Another way is using flex machines but in some case overdub is kind of necessary
Will dive into the manual and see if there is a solution!

ah, well seeing as you’re already into Lemur - I’m sure you could have it monitor the out from the OT (extract the midi channel from a param / cc you’re twiddling etc) and update a variable
I can foresee it working but there could be issues as it’s never going to be robust - I’m going to be pondering PUM midi solutions or similar for looping a trumpet I picked up recently - i’ll bounce back any ideas that come to mind although i’ll try to get a midi foot pedal to do my bidding initially, but Lemur offers so much more scope for non-standard approaches to OT

I think you guys are correct in assuming that more than one user doing stuff (ie sending commands or tweaking parameters) to the OT at anytime, weren´t really on the roadmap regarding the pickup machines + other tracks (with whatever machines loaded on them). Can´t remember me hearing any kind of such talk/discussion in that regard. The mixer section might perhaps have had that kind of view on it, but maybe not so much from a ‘realtime control’ perspective.

Would be interesting to hear though where and how the limits are in this regard. Quite complex situation.

Scripts/macros are probably the ‘easy’ way out. But much like any programming, one suddenly needs to consider ‘both sides’ of any activity of any user: what WILL happen and what WILL NOT happen in any given situation. And equally, what NEEDS to happen and what is NOT NECESSARY to happen to get to the result wanted.

If you don´t mind. Please share your findings/thoughts in this thread, very interesting stuff!

ah, well seeing as you’re already into Lemur - I’m sure you could have it monitor the out from the OT (extract the midi channel from a param / cc you’re twiddling etc) and update a variable

That’s what I had in mind too, updating the channel to recall based on the last used parameter, seems to be the way to go :slight_smile:

I love using the OT with more than 2 hands, currently I am working on a live set with a friend and he can control his own tracks with lemur and controllers while I am working on my tracks. there is so much potential in this. I can even easily imagine the OT used by more than 2 people ( that’s what I had in mind building reaktor OTC and working on the Lemur version now)

Another limitation I had working with more than 2 hands is not being able to send midi to audio tracks while in midi mode…

Will keep this thread updated as I find ways to make this work!

Another limitation I had working with more than 2 hands is not being able to send midi to audio tracks while in midi mode…

Sorry it’s the way around (not possible to externally control the midi tracks while in audio page) it’s a shame really :frowning:

guess you’ll just have to get a second octatrack!