Pigments : Arturia Wavetable Synth

Thanks for mentioning this discount. I recently purchased a KeyStep 37 and was also able to buy Pigments 3 and the Spectrum sound pack as a “side-grade” for $69. I couldn’t pass that up, even if I don’t currently own a computer powerful enough to run Pigments. :upside_down_face:

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This sale ends today. My current focus is trying to get away from the laptop, but I realized that there are times when I have to be on it and interruptable, and I could do something musical instead of scrolling through social media. So I bought. With the bonus sound packs included, there are… 1700 presets. Each with a paragraph of description. And there is a built-in tutorial. This is definitely going to keep me engaged!

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I really like Arturia’s approach to presets and tutorials. Very clear in their V-Collection stuff and yes, the Pigments chat is great too. Lots to lose yourself in.

If I’m using Pigments standalone, is there a way to record its audio output? OS X Catalina, MacBook Pro.

Do you want to record it internally on Mac? Or are you wanting to go out an audio interface to an external recorder?

Internally. I know how to set up an audio interface, but that’s more complicated. As long as I’m using my laptop, I’d like to keep it simple. These would be just snippets. I’m also willing to use it as a VST inside something that isn’t sprawling and messy. From the little I’ve used AUM on the iPad, I’ve been impressed, but I know it’s a different UI.

If you set your audio interface IN and Out in your Macs audio settings, you can record straight to Voice Memo. It’s pretty limited but it’ll work for grabbing audio.

But I don’t want to use an audio interface. I’ve also used Audacity for recording external audio. The problem is routing Pigments audio into Audacity or Voice Memos. I found an open-source app called BlackHole that seems to be able to do this sort of thing. Or maybe I should just get over my fear of Ableton.

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Is your iPad USB-C or Lightning? You might be able to record straight to AUM if USB-C. In Audio Midi Setup you can enable Inter Audio Device so your iPad acts as an interface. My iPad is lightning so it doesn’t work, but I’m pretty sure newer models will. Worth a try.

My iPad uses Lightning but I’m sure there are ways to get it to work. The MacBook Pro is capable of doing this internally; I just want some glue software which is unobtrusive and not part of something much more complex to work with. Perhaps no one uses the standalone version for anything more than basic sound design and exploration.

DAWs can be overwhelming and sometimes frustrating to deal with for sure, but it may be easier than you think just to keep the horse blinders on and use Live as a simple VST container and clip recorder. If you have an intro key or something it’s worth giving a shot

I got Ableton Live Lite with something I bought. I fired it up to try to put an oscilloscope on one of my early synths and that experience was traumatizing (I am a professor of computer science, but that doesn’t mean I like all aspects of the computer experience!). But maybe just recording is simpler.

I use it standalone all the time, but with an external interface (and usually blended with hardware synths)… I record it to either my H4n or back into Logic.
Pigments is the only soft synth that makes me want to accommodate it like this, it’s fantastic. It’s sequencer is also really great.

If you meant about using it completely solo, yes I use it for sound design and browsing like this.

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you can use applications like sound flower (was cycling74, now unsupported), rogue amoeba loopback (paid) and more recently blackhole (free replacement covering sound flower functionality)

download extension 2ch or 16ch
create a multi output including blackhole
set osx audio input source to blackhole
set pigments output to new multi out device - so you can monitor and record
record audio in quicktime


Didn’t know about this one, will give it a go cheers!
Latest GitHub version of Soundflower has not given me any issues on Mojave.

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I have a mixer coming that should let me do this. I think my preference to have a signal originating on the computer stay there is largely aesthetic. After all, it has to leave for me to hear it!

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I’ve had the BlackHole GitHub page open in a tab next to the Elektronauts one for a couple of days now. Thanks for the details on configuration. I will give it a try and ask again if I have any issues.

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Pigments has been updated to support Apple silicon. The update is free and available to download now.


Pigments 3.5 is out! Free update for existing users.


was pigments version 3 free for version one users or was it a paid update?