Ping Pong Delay Not Working?

Hi guys,

I’m having a strange behavior of the DELAY when is in PING PONG in Overbridge.

For example in the following picture I manipulate the WIDHT parameter and as you can see it´s not spreading anything its just changing the degrees of the sound. Is not alternating when PING PONG is on also, it stays the same.

Here there is a delay of a HIHAT sound.



This means i should change the width manually with an effect LFO ? Isn’t this the role of the ping pong switch ???

Thank you !!!

The width parameter controls the amount of panning. Set it to the center position for the same amount of ping and pong.

Are you listening to main out or a single instrument stream via overbridge

One of them is stereo
One of them isn’t.

I am listening to the FX channel through Overbridge (i only routed FX). Isn’t this stereo? or i am wrong ? thank you !!