PL-1 and PL-2

Hi guys!
Got myself a RYTM last week. I was wondering if the PL-2 is fitting on the RYTM?.. Search this forum a bit about it, cant find any answer so far…

I’m asking because I have a couple PL-1 for my other Elektrons, wich fits ok. But the RYTM has one middle top screw that is a lot more to the left than the A4 so the PL-1 is wiggling on the RYTM…

Anyone has a PL-2 on a RYTM with no problem? I love those Lids, they sure are a bity pricy, but I feel secure when they are on my babies… :wink:

Thanks for any info! :slight_smile:

PL-2 fits perfectly on all tabletop machines (MD, UW, MM, AF, AR) :wink:

Awsome thanks for the answer!