PL-2 Alternative?

I’m doing more gigging with my Octatrack and A4 these days and so far I’ve been just wrapping my boxes in towels before putting them in my flight case, but I’m starting to get a little concerned.

$60 is a bit steep for a piece of plastic ($120 in my case because I have two devices).

Does anyone know of any alternatives to the PL-2?

they are worth every penny imho … especially if you make money with your gigs ( I am far from doing that ) …I just use these (4 in my case) as dust covers …overkill… still awesome

i need em but nup, oxerpriced…

I would at least use bubblewrap and some rubber bands rather than towels.
I messed up a lot of good gear 12 years ago with the “wrap in towels” method. The airline carriers don’t know or care what’s in your luggage, and it is treated as such.
Paying for new encoders will probably cost far more than $60.

An Allen and Heath Xone 92 deck saver cut in half is a pretty good fit for 2 machines. You would need to put Velcro or elastic bands around it but it would protect them well.

I’ve seen them for about £30.

Yeah, totally. I’m tempted to just pony up for the $120 for two when I consider the potentially gig-ruining outcomes.
For the record, I use a Pelican 1510 Carry-on Case. No way would I check my gear!

Well if you already have the 1510 (which seems to be the case of choice for 2x Elektrons), consider a $10 roll of thick bubblewrap (the kind with the really big bubbles that are in channel rows, i.e. one airpocket for 20 bubbles in a row), and wrap them individually.
Inside the 1510, you’re really just protecting the boxes from each other and whatever else is in the case. Add some green craft-store foam to pack the case tight and keep it all from moving around inside.
Let the gigs pay for the PL-2s, but get to and from the gigs safely, and on the cheap!, in the meantime :wink:

Does it even work just using the PL-2 using as a case in luggage: I mean, it’s not fixed to the top at all, or makes it click :slight_smile: ?

Have an Rimowa trolley for my gigs & need something really small for integrating my Octatrack into it carefully…

Thanks & all the best