PLANCTON _ digitone organic library

Hi Elektronauts !!

We’ve just released our massive library for Digitone!!

256 Digitone organic patches _ rich of complex pad, modulated textures and underwater noises!!


*free demo here

:cb_r: :heart: :peace_symbol:


Demo sounds are really good. Quite unique I think. I’ll be picking up the whole pack. A few things on your website need to be fixed.


I get the wix banner plus some plugin at the bottom that doesn’t load. Love the graphics on the site, but these two things kind of spoil the over all impression. Best wishes…


yup sir…thanks for all!!! I appreciate your feedback and tips!!

We apologize for any problems on the site!! We’re send a ticket to WIX support 3 day a go … ^^
for now the only solution is reload the page (It should work) :confused:

Just downloaded the pack. Some really inventive patching. Great sounds and I love the overall theme. Nicely done! Shows the Digitone is capable of more experimental sounds.


thanks Andrew… :heart:

we had prepared 2 songs to illustrate the pack but the audio in not satisfactory … we need OVERBRIDGE now!!! :drunk: :wink:

OB will really open up the Digitone. Really love the patches.

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I just wanted to inform you
we decided to make this offer for the whole week !!
thanks to those who have already bought it
☞ (send me an email if you want the bundle!)


Nice website and content! Keep going

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Really motivating !! Thanks

A few minutes ago a person on the site wrote me this:

Hi! Interested in TAKT. So it works this way: Buy touchOSC then buy takt? Does it have to be paypal (no just using visa?)? Best

unfortunately I was having dinner and I could not answer him … I’m sorry !!

If you read the message contact me in private and we solve!

Aaaaaand… here come a double pint for a fair contributor :beers:
Thanks dear ! :thup:


thank you !!!
I hope everything was to your liking !! :thup:

I’ll let you know ^^

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Very good work, I just bought the pack, thanks!

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Thanks Grumo I remember your avatar eheheh really funny!!
Your name sounds like an Italian pseudonym ^^

It´s really a spanish pseudonym, it seems to mean almost the same in italian XD.

I love the Spain … Last year I lived for a while in Barcelona … it was a fantastic experience !!
cheers :sunglasses:

Thanks, please keep doing more things like this, the sounds are great, the TONE looks great and the whole design is really nice! Ciao!!

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Nice to hear that!!! :pray::pray::pray:
Soon we will also publish the version for the digitakt (compatible with octatrack and rytm):bangbang:
stay around ^^