Planned New Elektron Controller

This is not mine but saw this on uCapps…

curious how much this appeals to others. i much prefer the small form factor and portability of the boxes as they are. all the shortcuts and key combos makes operating them feel almost like playing a video game.

Very interesting design (and initiative)!

The SFF is a major appeal to me, so an extra controller the size of the Octakontrol seems more relevant, although it seems problematic to add other potential controllers side by side with the midi connections.

Would it be possible to design controllers that plug into each others like LEGOs, so that you have the trinity + additionnal controllers in front?

Very nice angle and stand design. Would it be interesting to design a controller like a dock-station/stand? Just sweep the box into it, plug, play, no cable fuss.

Love the ring LED knobs. Always loved the Nord Lead 3 layout I thought in phase in the digital age.

Maybe extra controllers for Elektron should also add a joystick to the game.


whaaat? does that mean I have to spend money again? … aaah why not… take my money please!

Bloody hell!!!

Imagine Cenk with that! He’d be like a woodpecker with OCD!!! LOL

Nice mock-up, cant see it being real though.

Oh sweet Jeez, please be real, pretty pretty please with chocolate & icing on top :slight_smile:

looks plausible MINUS the extended sides which I imagine would require an OT face plate replacement. Would be happy with a design that allowed the OT to slot in safely as nice as the seamless front plate is :slight_smile:

Saw that controller on Facebook. The guy who posted it claimed he did in something like Photoshop. Hope he was just a liar and that thing is real.

OT mk2 with optional faders? Looks like 2 boxes to me… Surely a photoshop tho?! :joy:

Looks very nice in general!
But it seems to me that knobs are too close to the OT’s trigs. Probably it will be better to slightly raise OT over controller’s knobs to get better access to trigs. IMHO.

Exactly… I am to uneducated on the subject to build something like this myself… (I wish I was just a tad smarter in these things)
Shame that the OT, isn’t going to play along with that overbridge stuff… you would almost put a small screen. the black trinity + a custom faderbox + laptop components in a giant box… (think of a3 elektrons with that faderboard + screen next to it) … might be big to move.
but you got your whole studio/liverig in a box…

Yeah it’s what I thought directly when I saw it before on the uccaps website.

Why people are racking their sequencers above other gears??? They step keys just become too tricky to be accessed!

Also yes this pic is a simulation of an Octatrack to which we added I suppose the “Midibox 64” module which can support until 64 pots.

Also the Midibox projects are non-commercial so if people stay fair with the original developers you won’t ever see this project to be bought as a finished gear. The most advanced you could get is a DIY kit with all the components.

It looks really nice but I think it would be more universal if one could place the elektron on it instead of mounting into it. The number of controls may be overboard. Aside from adjusting the volume while in the sample edit menu I don’t see the need for this much control. It would become too complicated at a point (beyond eight faders). We only have two hands!

Yeah it’s what I thought directly when I saw it before on the uccaps website.

Why people are racking their sequencers above other gears??? They step keys just become too tricky to be accessed!
ideally it would be the other way around with the fader unit on legs and OT flat… I’d take an 8 in 8 out Octa with expanded control 100%… I’d expect it to be 2G at least if it became a reality tho.