Play Rytm on Maschine

i’m trying to set up maschine so i can use the pads to play the rytm. what’s the best way to achieve this? i’ve been playing w settings a little today and i can’t seem to get it going. i have OB loaded on sound 1 so i’m able to hear track one BD but i can’t find the right settings to get the rest of it working. ty

i forgot to mention, i know i could use a midi cable and assign each “sound” to a midi track but i’m trying to avoid that, hoping for a way to run it all through OB so i have all that functionality too.

Hmm, it seems like it’s just a matter of getting the MIDI settings right in Maschine.

I’m not super clear how OB handles MIDI and assigns it each Rytm Track, but under normal MIDI circumstances, if you send a certain range of notes all on the same MIDI channel, you can trigger each Track’s sound.

From the manual:

So it seems like in Maschine, you’d want to put the pads in “Keyboard” mode and move the note range of your 16 pads to be in the note range that the Rytm responds to (listed above)