Playback of samples triggered via hitting a pad vs via midi

There’s something weird going on with my digitakt.
When i trigger a sound by hitting a pad on the digitakt, the playback sounds ok.
But when i trigger the same sound via midi, it sounds distorted/ flat/ broken.
E.g. the kick sounds very thin and the snare has a huge ‘whoosh’ over it when triggered via midi.
I suspect there’s a problem with the digitakt. Can someone confirm this might be the case, or does that sound unlikely?

…this is regardless if triggering happens via usb or midi.
only by hitting the pad on the digitakt itself it sounds as it should.

So sometimes it might be the cord, a little known fact about usb is that some cables are rated for data and some are rated for power, rarely both. Try a data cable if you can find one and it might fix the issue.

thanks but i haven’t replaced any cables and it was working fine… The usb cable came with the digitakt and the midi cables are fine also. No chance there’s the culpritt.

solved. i should smoke less.
i was triggering the notes on a wrong scale.

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