Playing a beat while sequencing external gear?

Hey all, new Machinedrum owner here.

I want to be able to have a beat playing on the Machinedrum SPS MKii while sequencing my baby modular with the MID machine. I got it working using p-locks for note and note length but I can’t figure out how to get the regular drum tracks to stop sending MIDI notes as well. I feel like I’m missing something really obvious here and I’ve looked at the manual and the settings on MD but I can’t seem to find it. Help!

Go to the Global Settings, and under “Control” go to ‘Base Channel’ Turn the value to “–”

Thanks! I also just found a post on Muffwiggler about this after a bunch of searching. If anyone else can’t figure it out, here are some more detailed instructions from someone there:

“Go to Global menu. In global menu enter Control menu then enter map editor.
Under MAPPING section you can turn all midi cc# off for each individual instrument by scrolling w/ the big knob counterclockwise until – appears. Also, make sure you press enter after you have chosen – for each instrument or it will default to the previous note programmed for that instrument when you scroll to the next instrument.”