Playing guitar into digitone/digitakt set up

Hi everyone,

I would like to play live guitar over patterns from my digitone and digitakt.

My set up is as follows

Digitone, headphone output to digitakt input right
Digitakt midi out to Digitone midi in
Guitar to digitone input left

I know I can play live guitar through the digitakt when it is in record mode, but is it possible to play guitar into the digitone and apply the master effects on the guitar signal? When I play my guitar into the digitone I dont hear the guitar through my monitor.

that should be possible. check the input levels of the digitone and try swaping left/rigth inputs.

You‘ ll probably need a DI box, or something similar, to match the guitar’s output to the Digi’s input. Otherwise it’s going to sound thin and weak.

Certainly possibly to use Digitones chorus/delay/reverb you’d just need to set the inputs on the Ext in. Also the digitakt can can always be listening in if the monitor is set to “on”. Also why are you doing the headphone output?
Why not do Guitar-> Digitone(thru the main LR)->DT inputs?

You may need a preamp w/phantom power depending on your signal chain Before you thru the Digitone.

Also and I’m not sure of this but as I recall the DT compressor can be used as a send effect? You’d have to double check that though.

hey guys, just wanted to tag a similar question on here that I’m having issues with - is it possible to play guitar live over a backing track created on the digitakt? I know in record mode you can record it, save it, and then add it, but is it possible to just hear the guitar as you play it over any drums you have set up?
