Pls recommend a DI box for Digitakt (guitar, bass, etc.)

Hi All,

Please recommend a good DI box so that I can record (sample) directly into my DT.

It could go through my mixer (Alesis 12r) Alesis MultiMix 12R , but I’d rather keep it super simple and have guitar signal go directly to the In on my DT. Would be handy to have it bass ready too (active pickup).

I’m not after super high end gear, but sound quality is a definite concern.

what are my options?


Electric guitars?

yes, sorry - electric: Mix of pickups - single coil, humbuggies, active bass…

you’ll need an amp sim with IR/Cab really. Assuming you want it to sound like an amped guitar. Lots of options, but letting us know a budget would make it easier :slight_smile:

Best I can see, that mixer doesn’t have any really guitar effect/amp sim?

maybe 100 to 300 GBP mark? only so little because it’s only for rare occasions…

Strymon Iridium is nice and easy to use and can be had for that price used I think. Can load your own IR files if you get into that. Maybe a Line6 Helix stomp (can’t remember the price of these, but you’d get a load of FX too, and it would do bass really well)


You might find a Strymon Iridium used inside £300. Sounds great to me, very authentic amp tones.
I don’t tend to keep a close eye one guitar gear, but I’m sure others will suggest a cheaper alternative to the Strymon.

You mindreader!


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little ? … what ?! … £300, you could hire Steve Albini and have change

If occasional and you’re going to effect it inside DT then

anything from here (£20) up should also be on your radar

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Fancy trying one of these oneday. Get a a load of good reviews. They do a posher one but that’s more £££

Helix look out of pricer range… But would work for Bass. Not a fan Helix personally, but it does a great job for many many people. I just found it overly complicated

Joyo american sound always comes up - nice and cheep. No experience with these though, and can’t tell if it does the cab sim side or not.


Re: the Joyo American Sound, I bought one and wouldn’t recommend it. It’s a cheap clone of the Tech21 Blonde, which simulates a range of Fender amps. The Joyo is NOISY, and the one I bought died within a week. I ended up buying the Blonde and it’s really good. It does have a cab simulator, with its own bypass switch.

Tech21 did a range of pedals simulating particular brands of amps. My favourite is the Orange sim. Unfortunately I think they discontinued them. Orange recently brought out their own amp sim pedal, which looks really cool.

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I just mic up my amps, mic into DT. I’m lazy, seems to work fine or mic up my amps, record with iPad/iPhone then sample into DT

+1 to the simplifier. I have the bass version and with two parallel fx’s loops it us gorgeous.

If you don’t need stereo for your guitar I will try the bass station. The cab simulation works well on bass and guitar, and if you eant to use another preamp for the guitar it is reslly easy to bypass the built in one. Plus you have DI outs, headphone out and aux in.

totally forgot about the simplifier, cheers all

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I tried many options and this is the best so far. Love my Simplifier

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it’s a clever piece of gear.

some dumb questions:

  1. I presume I run my usual pedal board straight into it, then directly into the DT in?
  2. Presume I CAN’T use it as a standalone pedal into, e.g. valve amp?
  3. I presume I CAN run it straight into the mixing desk, and then to monitors?

Finally, I presume this is a dodgy knock-off and that I would be immoral and stupid to buy one:

  1. Yes or run the board into the effects loop.
  2. I use it alone but I’m not sure I understand the question. I sometimes just use it and headphones.
  3. I run mine into my SSL SiX then buss B into whatever sampler I have connected. Sounds awesome.

I’ve seen the knock offs, funny. Thought about grabbing the bass version for $100 but that’s another story.

Have you already experimented with recording samples sans di box?
I usually just record my acoustic electric straight in. :man_shrugging:t2:
I thought it sounded gorgeous. Maybe not possible with pickups though… I guess my acoustic does have the wimpiest preamp…

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I haven’t done it in a while either, but I remember using direct line in with a stratocaster a while back and thought it was ok. Maybe I’m remembering incorrectly. May have had to add gain.

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Regarding to question 2 you can use the 1/4 inch output to run it into an amp without problems. I do that everyday cause I use an amp when practicing, and the XLR outs just for recording/sampling.