Plus Drive Formatting? Erases all samples?

So I was messing with the plus drive loading the default snapshots just to get a better understanding of what the difference between the plus drive and normal rom sample bank, and ended up hitting the format the plus drive option, now I have no plus drive samples or rom samples, please tell me they do not make it that easy to completely clear all samples off the machinedrum?

Sorry, but yes, it is very easy to do and (as a bonus) very clearly described in the manual with a large warning sign:

FORMAT DRIVE erases everything on the +Drive. If you want to format the +Drive press the [ENTER/YES] key. A prompt will appear. Press [ENTER/YES] to format the +Drive. Press [EXIT/NO] to cancel the operation.
• Note that formatting the +Drive will not erase the Snapshot loaded in the Battery Backed Memory. However, any samples in the Sample bank loaded in the DSP will be cleared immediately.

Do you have anything backed up to computer by SysEx?

There’s loads of free sample rom stuff for MD over at

Admittedly this won’t bring back any of your own stuff but it’s a start

Ah, I was reading the first page where they started mentioning the “formatting” segment when I accidentally clicked it, then on the next page they start with the warnings. I’m pretty new to machinedrum but once you load a kit from the plus drive how do you get back to your normal rom samples/ kits?

To reinstall the factory presets, perform a Factory Reset.

To reinstall your own data, reload from the +Drive (except you have wiped all this by formatting the drive).

Oh sorry for the confusion, I actually meant lets say I have a bunch of rom samples and kits and patterns with those samples saved. Then I load a pluse drive snapshot, lets say the facotry dnb snapshot, how do I get back to accessing my original rom samples and patterns?

You load them from where you (hopefully) previously saved them on the +Drive or on the computer via SysEx dump.

Setting the +Drive’s Quick Mode setting to ‘CHANGE SNAPSHOT’ instead of ‘LOAD SNAPSHOT’ will help preserve your work when you load from another Snapshot.

So I have 40 samples stored in the ROM, and created one pattern. If I save this as a snapshot can I then clear the ROM without getting rid of those samples and one pattern? Since it is now saved as a snapshot?

Yes. You can later reload this one pattern and 40 samples by loading the saved Snapshot.
Do not save your stuff to Snapshot number 1 because that is where factory data is recreated if you ever need to do a Factory Reset.