Pocket Operator Rhythm ---> Machinedrum

Hello world!

Looking for a grown-up PO-12 and PO-14, I found the Machinedrum and Monomachine. No surprises there considering Mr. Jesper Kouthoofd had something to say about it.

Is it worth buying a MD for $1.8k these days, or waiting it out for a bubble to pop?

It’s pretty steep. Nothing else does what it does, so if you can’t live without that I get it. Model Cycles is limited, but can definitely give you a taste of what you’d be getting into for way less money, so that might be a stepping stone worth looking into.

Going from Pocket Operators to a holy grail Elektron box is a pretty big leap. There’s lots of stepping stones between that, like the Models and Digi-pair.


Yeah, come to think of it you can probably get both Digis and Models for less than a Machine drum if you’re buying used.

It is a big step.

Modulating and filtering the Pocket Operators gets me pretty far albeit restricted somewhere in Models territory.

Used Rytm or A4 somehow make more sense than Digis to me, maybe workflow? Am I overlooking a box?

Its pretty strange, that all those years noone is willing or really able to fill the machinedrum drum void. Shure there are many drum machines but its all pretty standard.

I have a Monomachine that I hardly use but my Model:Cycles gets a lot of it.

My main drum machine is the Analog Rytm accompanied by Machinedrum mk2. Though I still make tracks where MD is the main. It s always ran through an analog distortion pedal to roughen up that digital sheen.

I doubt I would buy them at today s prices. The current Elektron line has pretty awesome sound devices for much more affordable price. The MC is a super fun and sounds awesome. Sound quality is way better than Monomachine. You can really tell that MD and MM run on ancient digital platforms.

I do keep an MD mk1 in storage as backup…

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I agree with @dtr . I have MD mk2 (non UW) and the model cycles, and in some way, cycles reminds me MD. Yes, MD is a complete drum machine workstation, a kind of modular drum machine with so many options and possibilities. But cycles have a good sound quality, and you could get a good vibes with it.

Anyway, I’ve seen some MD mk2 in second market around 800€… so maybe the bubble is popped yet :slight_smile:

Ive already seen lower…the non UW Version is not that expensive

where?! reverb feels like wall st.

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