Poly Effects Beebo (was Digit and Morph)

Mine is #327. Keep me posted please, I‘m not on FB.


FWIW, I’ve also noticed surprisingly high cpu usage with very simple patches on the latest firmware. I’m following this with interest.


Ok one of the fb guys, gary aka pedalaffected on fb stated the following when i asked the question

“So would you speculate that the makers of some of the patchstorage presets made them even though they were tapping out at 109%?”

“ Van Sam I know I certainly did make one at 106% and use it often :slightly_smiling_face:

I’d have to see that guy’s efforts better but I saw one of our members here do that 4x granular patch and it’s sweet.

Should work for majority of people out there but I do wonder if someone else was using other modules to tax the DSP. I typically omit reverb for instance in many patches to cram more other stuff in with the idea that I get reverb elsewhere in my set up.

There are posts here where people have talked on that dsp over 100% question.

Patches should work to about 110% from what I’ve seen. A few competitor device behave a similar way, you’re ok slightly over 100”

So i guess we are aok!

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This is the video I was talking about but unfortunately you can’t read the used CPU percentage. When I find the time I‘ll try to copy the patch and see if I can take it as far.


Hey @sndrsklr

Loki from poly chimed in on the fb discussion of dsp/cpu usage, which is very interesting to me….these babies have quad core processors!

the CPU usage is actually really hard to show because there is 4 cores. 4 things in parallel will often use no additional CPU than just having 1 module, but having them in series will increase CPU usage by 4 x the per module CPU usage. Run parallel paths where you can. It’s not exactly / 4 as there is some overhead though.


Ah, neat — one core per input channel.

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Just passing on stuff that gets posted on fb page.

Loopler was based on gibson echoplex digital pro (edp). A true expert, andre lafosse, on these loopers just made a video on beebos loopler. So maybe we will get some ace tips!


this tutorial is awesome based on the looper only is just as tip of icebaerg what the Beebo can do is amazing

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Just got the tracking # for a pretty BLUE Beebo heading my way… very excited!

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FEdEx finally delivered it. After just a short session with this box, I am loving it.
So much more to explore, the options are endless.


We’ve got enough stuff setup in the new workshop to start building Hector and Beebo units, and the LCD panels we were waiting on have now arrived. The first pre-order batch of Hector has sold out. We’ll have another batch up next week. I’m working on some firmware updates that will be up next week, mostly finishing off the euclidean sequencer. More Beebo units will be up for order soon too.


the euclidean sequencer module that’ll be in the next Beebo & Hector update. The first batch of Hectors has sold out but I’ve just put up the second batch. The first batch will be shipping on the 10th of August. The firmware update should be out later this week.


Sweet! Love this little unit. Thanks for continuing to add modules and doing updates.
Very much appreciated.


Had some good testing time with Hector on Sunday. The new interface for our port of Tides now works and I’ve got permission from @mutableinstruments to mention in the manual which module is a port of which Mutable one which should make finding more documentation easier. It’s going to be a big week of firmware updates…


euclidean sequencer… yes!

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Endless gold with this thing….

New firmware is go.

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new FW has some nice additions. i have a few thoughts that i don’t know where else to direct them so here they are:

new Euclidian module is really cool. love the column changes for ins/outs. still wish i could flip it be in on the left/out on the right, but no big deal.

i like the visual changes to the MENU systems, for loading up new patches, etc.
Don’t like the Patch icon, preferred the disk icon cuz it makes more sense in my head and i don’t like the way it is tilted, but also no biggie.

seems to boot a little quicker now.

the only thing i’ve encountered so far is that the DELAY module won’t let me click on it and edit parameters directly and edit in a sub menu (but i can in the TWIST DELAY module, for example.)
was it this way before and i never noticed, or is this a bug?

the new 3 dots for number pad input is nice. a bit clunky as you have to erase the old value before putting in new one, instead of overriding it. and hitting SUBMIT on the #pad does nothing. you just have to hit the home icon and it enters the value.

i feel like the resolution on parameters in most of the modules don’t really need 3 digits after the decimal point. the few modules who have 2 digit after, are easier to work with IMO. (or an option to switch btwn 2/3 decimal mode maybe?)

in places where the value settings require whole digits (i.e., MIDI Channels) should jump to those full values, if that’s possible.

would love to choose header color for each patch, but that may not be as easy as it sounds.

*Wick/PolyEffects - Please do not take any this negatively. in fact i am loving this device, and want to contribute by providing some feedback from my own experiences. You may not need them, or want them… I’m sure some of thoughts, you will read and say “no, that was intentional, cuz of this reasoning…” or “that’s not happening” or “it’s not that easy buddy” and it’s all good, I totally understand. I just really want ya to know I appreciate you and the amount of effort that has been put into the Beebo/Hector development…



Anyone missing their presets? There are none appearing for me from the new presets menu, though they still appear in the setlist.

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@Switchmode This is a popular story on the fb user group. Loki as of 40 ish min ago says he thinks he fixed it……same firmware name but with a minor change….

Let us know how it goes because i dont want to lose anything!

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