Polyend Play

So you can’t live jam stuff on the M8 without a midi controller?

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Yep, exactly. I’ve hooked up a midi controller to it a couple times for that purpose, but even then, the device really isn’t built around a transport/playback/live input workflow, so it always feels like you’re shoehorning it into a workflow it isn’t built to use.

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I have a Polyend tracker that I’m not in love with, maybe i’ll sell it and get this instead.


Ah bummer, I like to play a lot of parts in. That is one thing I like about the tracker, is that you can program intricate parts if you want, or jam things out on the grid.

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I have things I like to ‘jam’ on (OT M:C, eurorack), but often times just come up with patterns I like vs ‘songs.’ I travel a lot for work, so I put a lot of those fun, but unfinished things into my M8 and often wind up with completed songs while traveling. It’s nice to have a few different sources of inspiration :slight_smile:



Lol I had to sketch it out to see the whole thing, that’s a lot of knobs!


Yeah, M8’s travel-friendliness is amazing! I’m hopeful this Polyend unit will be small enough to take in a backpack maybe – I have a Deluge, but it’s just a bit too chunky to bring on a trip.

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I have a love/hate relationship with mine, if this unit covers what the tracker can do in terms of sampling I’m selling it !

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That’s the reason I think so many grooveboxes (grooveboxi?) fall down. You end up with a loop and it’s very difficult to take it beyond that.

I love my MPC because it’s easy to build an initial loop into a song. I think I’ll love the M8 (when it shows up) for the same reason - everyone seems to say its always in “song mode”.

So very interested to see if this is another four bar loop box or something that’s designed for full tracks (I don’t really include clip launching in that but that might just be me).

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I might be in the minority but the last thing on my list is song mode😊 I feel like the difference is between machines that are meant to compose full songs vs machines where you can perform full songs.

Of course I don’t have anything against song mode. Just that when a machine is built around an idea of song mode it tends to have less focus on clever ways of making the music in real time.

Really hoping this will be good for real time stuff🤩


7x12 grid? :flushed::laughing:

15 knobs. My heart swells. I really wish the Tracker had knobs (blasphemy!).


Haha no it’s 8 but as is obvious I’m lazy :joy:

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Pretty stoked for this new machine. Have a Deluge and love it, also bought the Hapax, but Polyend has some great ideas and think this new machine will be pretty amazing.

Hoping all those knobs means there’s a deep synth engine (that is, in contrast to something like the Circuit, a deep engine that can be explored on device).


I would be nice if it has a synth engine plus samples for percussion and good midi implementation. I love the HAPAX but so much money for just a controller. I like the deluge but hate the screen and it’s internal sounds.


I’m very curious, I love step sequencing and the compact format and loads of knobby control is appealing.

The tracker was powerful but affordable so I wonder where this will land in terms of price bracket?! If it’s that sort of £500 mark I imagine they’ll do very well.

Agreed. Hoping this is a nice blend of controller, sampler, and internal synth. Not a fan of the internal synth on the Deluge either. I’ve heard great sounds made with it, but don’t enjoy making sounds on it myself.

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My guess is $899. Priced nicely under under syntakt.

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I’m hoping that the embargo is lifted soon because if it goes on much longer the film adaptation of it will put Das Boot to shame…

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I sketch lots of things (music devices!) too, on paper, on iPad, some that exist and some that don’t. If they did proper manuals that would make a great cover image. :slight_smile: