Polyend Tracker Mini

Phonophobia is the fear of sound, so maybe Polyphonophobia?


That has a nice ring to it, very professional sounding. I also would not be opposed to something a bit more convoluted like Multimaniphonophobic.


Perrrrrhaps it’s actually you Polyphiles that are the problem!!


I have a mate who can only hear out of one ear, this generation of samplers is perfect for him. He’s got amazing music taste as well, poor bugger.

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can I have all his unused right side ear buds?


Afraid not!

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Because his left ear is the bad one?

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Yep. I used to sit on that side of him at work. :frowning:


Correlation does not imply causation :wink:


Never a truer or more complicated word spoken


The screen takes up about 40% of the device.

It’s designed to be operated with both hands. They sort of redesigned the tracker button interface to be operated with your thumbs. Built in mic and line in for sampling.

If it is a tiny Tracker, it’s an interesting needle Polyend will have to thread. The Tracker is a top 10 device for me — and would easily be a top-5 if it had a synth engine in it. But what really distinguishes it for me from a groovebox on one end and a handheld on the other is it’s huge screen, generous “keyboard”, and that wonderful jog.

I imagine they’ll have to reduce the first two and drop the third all together in the name of portability. That’s cool, portability is a hugely valuable feature in in comparison to groove boxes. From that perspective, probably worth the sacrifices.

But on the other side of the equation, portability is the bread and butter of its handheld LSDJ brethren like the M8. Have Polyend figured out something the Nerdseq Portable hasn’t? How to make a protracker-style tracker that does portable better than LSDJ-style trackers? Or is it wrong to assume this will be tracker-based in the first place?


Yeah, it doesn’t have the jogwheel. Which I thought was odd. The arrow keys are now on the left side like a gaming d-pad.

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The only thing they could do better with a portable Tracker than the m8 is availability. Other than that: feature-wise m8 is unbeatable.


Why does everyone assume it will be tracker oriented? I highly doubt that.

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I’ve literally seen it.

IMHO, the Dirtywave M8 is miles ahead of the P.E. Tracker. The inbuilt synth are quite amazing and the latest 3.0 update is raising the bar even further. Curious to know, if you tried both, why you prefer the P.E. Tracker?


I had both and sold the M8…screen was just too small for me.

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There are some quality of life stuff the Tracker does that the M8 doesn’t. Like auto fill (also in key) and filling in every x step.

That’s not a preference one way or the other. The M8s synth options are fantastic. I had a lot of fun with both. Kept neither in the end.