Polyend Tracker Mini

I haven’t tried the pE tracker but my good friend has one and we’re talking. From what I gather, I’m delighted with the M8 for it offers 3 columns for fox commands on top of note/volume/instrument (volume uses one of the fax command columns on the PE), the song page front and center with arbitrary length of phrases and chain for each track, tables (and now aux tables)… plus the synths of course.

Not in the same league - M8 is a complete box where people make full songs easily.

Just one opinion :wink:

Does it still have the pads of the regular Tracker?

The CEO of Polyend spoke about them working on a portable version of Tracker in an interview a few years back, & staff have been pretty open that it’s still in the works at trade shows.

Saying that, I wasn’t expecting it until SB from what they said previously, so I’m pleasantly surprised it’s making an earlier appearance at NAMM

No. The white buttons/pads and the jog wheel are gone. Everything else is the same but slightly rearranged and the button designs look a little different. Not sure how that affects the performance mode stuff. I only saw images and renders of the device.


Huh. I feel like these were the only advantages PT had over the competition, aside from screen size.


Yeah. I thought it was a little odd but without really knowing how different the UI is it’s hard to say. Hopefully it doesn’t just feel like a crippled Tracker with a built in mic.


Oh dear, I fear these words will come back to haunt this thread

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In terms of marketing, the whole perspective on the device is it being something you carry around with you to collect sounds out in the world. Similar to the Critter & Guitari Kaleideloop so I wouldn’t be surprised if the focus was less on complex sequencer/performance features.

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So it’s this with a bigger screen?

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Another one… Shape: Shape - YouTube


Cool so it is probably still called Tracker Mini, then. These names are probably more in reference to sound design/feature concepts.


Very similar but with far less buttons. I count 32.

Polyend Shape Voice Field.


It will be interesting to see what it really does. If it doesn’t have stream from disk with Samples i don’t know what to say.

Or if there’s some arbitrary limit on how long a sample can be…uggh. I dread thinking about missed opportunities since i know nothing about the device :joy:

I really hope that they get Samples right on this one, cause it’s not right on the Tracker or Play imho when i think about my Deluge or SP404mk2 and how they handle samples.


Midi in and out as well. I also didn’t see any sort of speaker grill so I’m assuming it’s headphone/line out only.

I think someone needs to rename this thread


My hunch is this will be the same internal OS/engine as the Tracker in a different form factor and things like performance mode removed

Streaming samples is pretty wishful thinking IMO

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I agree with this. The sequence screen definitely looks the same. I didn’t see any of the sample editing/sound design UI.

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This will need to be relatively cheap I think.


I know. You’re right. But i figure one of these days these guys will get it right🤪

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