Polyop - Funksakka Saga (Rytm + Prophet + Minitaur + Squarp)


Nice track! Can you tell me a little more about how you’re liking the Squarp Pyramid and how you’ve been using it on this track? Did you use it to sequence everything, or did the Rytm take care of its own drums?

Hi T,

The Squarp is only sequencing the bass on this track, have only had it for a few days so still getting used to it. Played it in with a midi controller as sequencing manually I’m finding a bit fiddly at the moment, though I just need to get used to it.

First thoughts on Squarp, is that their are some things that take longer to do than they should, like having to ‘zoom’ into the sequencer to do more fine adjustments to note lengths, not as intuitive as the micro-timing aspect of elektron stuff. There’s a few other things that are bugging me like this, but apparently they’re getting fixed in the next update, so we’ll see. Once I’ve spent more time without it I’ll be able to tell if I’ve made a good purchase or not!

Thanks for the feedback, glad you enjoyed it!

And yes Rytm is sequencing itself.