Portable Battery to Power Elektron

I’m looking into getting a battery for my monomachine and wanted to see if the TEKKEON 3450i was still the one to get. Are there any others out there that might be better etc?

I’m mostly looking to use it to get out of the house and jam in the park.


I got one recently and it works great with both Octatrack and Analog 4 (you just have to switch voltages). I’d say you get 3-4 hours on the A4, probably more on OT


I just ordered this.

When I get it and get a chance to test it out a few times I’ll let you know if it’s worth it or not.

Ah, awesome. I just went ahead and purchased one.

that thing is massive! i’m looking for something to throw into my backpack and ride around on my bike with. very cool though.

[left]Yeah, I realized that after checking out the TEKKEON 3450i. Not even really the same type of product. I camp allot so being able to jumpstart a car was something I wanted. But after seeing the TEKKEON, I want one those now too. :)[/left]

So, 12v setting for A4 and 6v for MnM/OT/MD?

I just got a monomachine and plane to use this for battery power…



5V/9V, I hope the MnM is happy enough with 5V :rage:
Though it’s only 5V off the USB connection, the DC is 9V, so I really hope you didn’t already buy this. 3000mAh would also only power the MnM at max draw for about one hour.

5V/9V, I hope the MnM is happy enough with 5V :rage:
Though it’s only 5V off the USB connection, the DC is 9V, so I really hope you didn’t already buy this. 3000mAh would also only power the MnM at max draw for about one hour.[/quote]
The MnM shows 6V 3a on the back. so if i had a 5v pack, once its fully charged it will be close to 6. it should power it for at least an hour. Only thing that puzzles me about that Pack on Ebay is that if your utilizing the 5v, then it shows max 1a and the MnM requires 3a. so that be a factor…i need an actual 6v 4.5A Battery…here’s a better Link that will supply power. Only thing is that there’s no regulator or capacitor in case of a failure. I never was Keen on Straight Battery in a component…


Got to test out my tekkeon MP3450i R3…

And, it works great…used it for 4 hours and only used about 13% of the battery’s charge.

Portable battery = dream come true!


Which Portable Battery did you use and can you provide a Link please? i still haven’t gotten mine yet. i have a 12V and was going to get a Regulator to go down to 6v but that Regulator only pushes 1A which will only be good for a few…requires 3A…so maybe i’ll get same setup you have.


Ok i saw it on Ebay…i see you have the Model # on top of your post…yes that’s something i may have to look into…Wow you got 4 houts? how do you change the Voltage or does it automatically identify it…


beautiful pic, i can feel the breeze, smell the fresh air, and hear the headphones filled with fuckery madness

Hello Elektronauts,

First I want to thank you for sharing good advise !

Based on your experience, I decided to buy the tekkon MP 3450i R3.

I bought it on Solariflex (official distributor of Tekkon in France), for almost 200€ with delivery cost. So it is expensive but I see it as an investment for creativity !

I already tested it with MnM, but I will do real test this afternoon outside, and try to make my feedback.

An other thank you, because it bring an other big feature to elektron machines !

PS : I was thinking why Elektron do not make a partership to sell tekkon product ? Could be a nice idea ! :slight_smile:

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Hello again :slight_smile:

I finally made my first test outside :

My monomachine at “La Citadelle de Lille”, France. First spring jam with nice sun !

I play almost 3 hours, and use half of the battery. I also bring my zoom H4n to record my jam session in case I drop the biggest tune ever … :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: (finally wasn’t the case …)

But : this is so huge to have the possibility to bring elektron machines everywhere ! I don’t regret my investment.


I actually bought two of these (TEKKEON 3450i ) at once back when I had an Analog 4. Now that I’m OT-only, I don’t need the second one any more.

I’ve only used it through maybe 3-4 charges, so it’s like new with original box. Send me a message if you want to buy it from me!

P.ti veinard,
Sure you’ve had a nice moment.
I think to do the same, as soon as i can aford it. I already have the experience of playing outdoors, with nice panorama. My productions were not better than your, but it was great moment.

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Great thread,
the tekkeon MP3450i R3
looks the business, and so small,
i cant believe you get so much battery life out of it
Can you plus multiple machines, or is it more suited to one?

the 3450 (non i) should work fine too, right? i had a hard time finding the differences. it looks like it’s 50 vs 58 wh (watt hours? no idea how that works out in use time) and it has less adapters. it still has 6v and 12v though.

Just for clarification:

This battery doesnt work with MK1 since it only takes 6 VAC
and the battery delivers VDC only.

Tell me if I am wrong.

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