Have we had a general portable synth thread? Let’s talk about them.
The latest Roland Aira Compact series and the surrounding discussion have made me think about extreme portability in synths, and chatting to a friend just now I wondered if there’s something with the power of say, my Nord Rack 2X but in a somewhat less monolithic enclosure; something I can chuck in a backpack with my M8 or Syntakt etc for a portable, polyphonic, easily controllable/“tweakable” (hate that word) synth expansion. Or even just something to idly poke at while on the couch.
What’s out there that I might have been missing? Off the top of my head, a few options I’ve considered:
Roland Boutique synths
Pros: Easily editable, solid construction
Cons: Limited sound palette
Roland Aira Compact series
Pros: Even more portable than Boutiques
Cons: Still limited
Hydrasynth Explorer
Pros: Deep sound engine
Cons: Size not super portable, controls (seemingly?) not as immediate
Pros: Sound is suitable for my style of music, immediacy
Cons: Connectivity, limited sound design options
Ipad apps
Pros: Portable as fuck, can really do any type of synthesis, potentially multitimbral
Cons: Connectivity, touch screen not as intuitive as physical controls
Fuck it all and just use laptop with Ableton
Pros: Can do it all and save files to cloud storage
Cons: Dealing with people who make not using a DAW part of their personality
Is there anything small, standalone and multitimbral out there? The answer is possibly a second M8, but a small synth with 2-4 part multitimbrality and physical controls seems to be a bit of a dream.. thoughts?