Portable vocal processors?

In the softwareland there’s enough out there, but when you want portability the choices on the market are limited unfortunately. I find those populair Roland and TC helicon vocal processors sounding cheap and not to my taste. Way too extreme and unnatural.

My problem is that I can’t sing, but love to do so anyway. :smile:
It’s never good enough that I dare putting it out there for everyone to hear.
I’m mostly into 80’s (synthwave) music so you get an idea what type of vocals I’m after.

Anything else on the market nowadays beside Roland and TC Helicon?

…tc helicons are THE thing when it comes to this…

i used all kind of stuff from them…and the voive live2 is my all time fav…
never sounded cheap…always solid make up…
and super natural, if u tweak it the way u want or need it…better give those a closer look before judging too fast…

i never used it for hard tune stuff though…but when it comes to additional choir voicings it’s the only pro option out there anyways…autotune and additional harmony choir on the fly…?
tc helicon…give it a try…or spent small bux on zooms take on this…but no guarantee for this one…

rolond is not experienced enough on this field…and only other hardware option is zooms copy of the tc stuff…