Possible to make a jazz kit?

Hi all,

I’ve been trying to make a very expressive kit on the Rytm mkII. Specifically, a Ride and Snare that can really change timbre and volume the harder I hit the pad.

I’ve gotten some pretty good results using the velocity settings on my snare but I find the Ride cymbal to be particularly difficult…

Is anyone available to share some settings with me? Is anyone else trying this? Ultimate goal is a expressive live instrument, less focused on sequencing.

Also, if you have created an expressive “jazz” kit, are you able to upload the kit and share it with me via Transfer? My apologies if none of this is possible, I’m still wrapping my head around the Rytm 3 years after my purchase date!

Thank you


I’ll give it a shot and let you know what I come up with. I used to make kits like this on my MPC when I wanted my drums to sound as close to a real drummer as possible. I’m assuming you’re going for a live acoustic kit feel so heavily sample based. Maybe find a nice multisampled kit you like as a start and go from there?

Here’s an idea. Velocity mod mapped to sample slot. Then you can load up maybe 5-6 different hits of the same snare, ride etc, and have it cycle between those different one shots based on the dynamics of your finger drumming. I’ll think of more ideas and update


Velocity mod to a sample slot with multiple samples seems pretty genius. I never thought of that.

But, it doesn’t have to be sample based really, as long as the velocity to expression is correct… I.e.: the harder I hit the more volume and more tone comes out.

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i just finished making a kit. it’s all samples (first time i’ve ever tried this on the rytm, it was a fun challenge’outside the box experiment). i’ll upload a video for you to take a look. defintely needs tweaking, and the lack of polyphony makes it a bit tough, not to mention my pads are very inconsitent in terms of velocity. but with an external pad controller, it could be way better. honestly i’m pretty happy with how it turned out, i think i can setup a couple more mod sources to keep things more interesting, maybe after a beer or something :smiley:


what do you think?


The samples and velocity mod sound great!

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That is pretty awesome… But now I have very little excuse not to buy a analog rytme :smiley:


@akurosa Do it :smiling_imp:

for sure. the best I’ve found is midi’ing a pad controller to Superior Drums 3. it takes literal GBs worth of samples to make it sound realistic so until we get a hardware device that has very high polyphony, and the ability to stream many gigabytes from RAM it will be hard to fake OTB imo


garfield, thats a nice sounding kit! If you’re okay with it, Is it possible you can share that kit with me?

I can try. I’ve never saved a kit through transfer (only had my Rytm a couple months, and haven’t been using it as much as I want) but I’ll give it a shot tomorrow. Disclaimer: it uses a lot of samples. Like over 100 sample slots used lol. And pretty much maxed out the RAM. So if you find a way to load the kit with all the samples and get it to work, you won’t be able to do anything else in that project other than jazz finger drumming lol :smiley:


All sounds good to me!

Damn I have so many questions…

  • How do you know if your Rytm is maxing out on RAM?
  • Where’d you get your samples? Perhaps I can just get the samples and try to mimic your velocity settings(?)
  • With Transfer v1.4 you should be able to backup the project and send me that file.

All I can do is jazz finger drumming? Challenge accepted :smiley:

Thank you!

  • Settings->System->Storage it gives you a nice little graphic too :smiley:
  • I forget honestly, just one of those things I’ve had forever. I think it’s basically chopped samples up from a long drumming session. If I can’t Transfer the project I can try to share the samples with you, but it is a fair bit of prgoramming too…
  • I tried to back up the project, but the file shows as 18MB in my file browser on my PC, which can’t be right…

yeah that 18mb is probably just the system info and hopefully contains your programming. If you feel like it, GDrive or dropbox etc those samples and that project backup sys file. Then maybe we can collab or something? :smiley:

But, if you don’t want to do any of that, I get it! Thats a lot of work!


It sounds amazing!!! I would love to have this kit as well, please upload it if you find the time


Garfield, this seems to be getting a little traction.

Perhaps, if you feel inclined, keep programming and make it perfect as can be, then sell it as a sound pack/kit.

I’m not sure if that’s even possible or the amount of work involved for something like that. But, I’d be happy to send you over a couple bucks for your work recording the samples and building the kit/programming.


That’s not a bad idea! I’ll try to make it worth a couple bucks- try to tidy it up a bit, maybe do a little optimizing storage wise, and work on making it a bit more expressive. Then I’ll upload it for you guys! I’ve wanted to start selling sounds and kits anyway so this is a good place to start :smiley:


:sunglasses:great idea with the storage optimization

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Go for it …

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I would definitely be interested.