Possible to "unquantize" operators?

Set LFO destination to pitch 2-4. Wave form to square, speed to zero. This allows you to offset the pitch of the modulators by a specific non harmonic amount with the lfo depth knob. It won’t be a static pitch a la dx or Casio vs style FM but it’ll give you a ton of new values for clangs and sharp noises. :slight_smile:

Oh and be sure to set the lfo to trig not free running. You can use the fade control as a pitch envelope this way too.


Amazing skills!
Thanks, thats Great:smiley:

Elektron Music Machines aka “Workaround Music Machines”

Right! And some of the ratios (especially on Operator A) will produce inharmonic sidebands, but will not actually change the tuning of the sound, which makes every ratio useful.

The Detune is then used for introducing inharmonic content or drifting, from very slight to extreme. I think this concept and system works incredibly well, and benefits the user a lot.

That said, I would like to add each operator’s frequency as an LFO destination for even further craziness. However, you can of course make ‘crazy’ and ‘non-musical’ sounds with it in its current state too.


I really like the concept but also sometimes feel like I want to press the ratio encoder to release the ratio quantisation.

One thing I would REALLY like is when SYN 1 Dtune parameter is tweaked, the applicable operators to be highlighted, perhaps using the same approach as for the HARM parameter (small letters in the corner of the box). Just a nice reminder for something that you only know once you RTM.

@Ess I think the UI is (for me) the best of any digital FM synth I’ve owned. That’s not saying much since I have FM8 and FS1R :slight_smile: , but in any case, it’s a big congratulations from me.

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That’s actually in the plans!



I’ll never remember which ones are affected otherwise :smiley:

Nice approach! Thanks for the idea.

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This is the sort of mentality I wish everyone would subscribe to. Giving the user the option to decide how complex they want to get is the easiest way to ensure a device’s longevity, etc. It’s all about overhead. (Things such as u-he’s Zebra comes to mind as one of the best archetypes of this philosophy.)

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@Ess Its Great to hear more Is in the pipeline for this amazing synth. Its really an inspiring piece of kit.

If i might suggest something for an update, lfo keytracking Would be Great :slight_smile:

Nord G2 has this implemented perfectly by providing a toggle for the oscillator or operator tuning the options of: semitone, frequency or ratio

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