Possible to use the L+R in/out as an effects send on the syntakt?

I’ve got a syntakt and a zoia euroburo. Is there a way for me to accomplish the following routing?

  • Some channels from the syntakt go to audio out L or R
  • Those go into the zoia, get effected, and then go back into audio L or R in on the syntakt
  • The audio L and R in are combined with the remaining channels that were never sent out of the syntakt and are all sent out of the USB

I’d also be open to using the headphone out as a different output from the L/R out to achieve a similar effect (but without using USB).

I think this workflow could enable me to do quite a lot with the syntakt that I can’t currently do without a computer, but I don’t know if it’s possible

I think so? In the audio routing menu, you can make the usb out send just the external inputs, set USB output to pre-fader, turn down the external inputs in the mixer.

Can’t test it right this second, but in theory this should work, and tracks sent to main should go to the zoia.

If it does work, that’s a very cool idea—I’d worked out a way to do an fx loop via USB, but this way around seems much more broadly useful…

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You’ll end up with a nasty feedback loop as anything that goes in the inputs will go straight back out the L/R outs. What you could do is use L as the send and R as the dry and use panning to control the send amount. Just make sure whichever input you use for the return is panned hard right (or vice versa)

Feedback indeed if you do it like this.
If use want a delay fx, feedback is usable, if you add a delay to incoming signal.

You can set EXTERNAL only for USB out, in order to record fx result.

If your path is mono, no feedback. You can pan things for routing.
I already did this with Digitone with same principle.

So it is possible, with some caveats…

Edit : I’m wrong. See below.

Sorry for above, but after reflexion this doesn’t seem possible.

As @Humanprogram pointed out, you can send EXTernal only to USB, but I don’t think it is possible to mix it with the tracks not sent to MAIN (plugged to ZOIA).
If you send Inputs, to Main, there is feedback (can be interesting).

Pretty sure it’d work in mono.

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