Power button not working (flickers)

picked up a barely used AR mk2 in the summer and back then only about 1 in 10 times I would turn it on it would flicker and turn off. Now, it’s about 9 of 10 that are flickering off. takes a long time to get going now and I’m stressed it’ll fail while I’m working on a project.

I’ve put a ticket in to elektron already (maybe a month ago and havent heard anything) but short of taking to a pro is there anything I can do at home with limited tools? If I take the cover off is it possible there’s something loose?


Might be an internal issue in which case you should try to get elektron to fix it.

It might also be the result of an unreliable power source? Does it help if you plug it into another power source?

Are you on the latest os? It could also help to update.

One thing I’ve also read solved some of the startup issues reported here is plugging in the usb cable (connected to a computer). No idea why that is, but it seemed to help someone who experienced startup problems… might help you.

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Try unplugging PSU and turning the switch on/off like 50 times, it might be dirty switch contacts.


hmm thanks for your helps guys but no worky after trying

  1. different psu, different power source, different room
  2. switching on/off a million times to see if dirty switch contacts

Any other ideas??

Yes, check the metal leaf inside the PSU socket, sometimes they can get loose.

This picture gives an idea, I put an arrow showing the leaf, the socket will look different but the idea is to carefully move it closer to the pin, using a thin pry bar/screwdriver/paperclip etc.


Failing that it might be a internal component, or a dry joint which might be a bit trickier.

Edit: Of course at your own risk, if not confident don’t try it. @sezare56 fixed his PSU socket like this.

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Do you have the latest firmware installed? Happened to me on previous firmware, but not anymore after the latest update.

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Yes, I bent the metal part.
IIRC a friendly russian guy did a good mod. I may find it.

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OK guys I think it’s working. Not sure why but after a few days of just turning off/on many hundreds of times it is working 10/10 times now. just successfully turned on 30 times in a row. will save this thread for future in case I run into the problem again.

many thanks. super community!

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Howdy - I’m on my second Rytm mk2 and I"m still having this power issue. I’ve tried multiple psu’s, different power outlets all around the house, flicked the switch a hundred times… Still it just flashes then goes dark. About to put a support ticket in with Electron, but man this is so weird. My A4 mk2 works like a charm, every time. So weird.

Test: Once it’s gone dark after the flash, hit a pad.

If it “comes back to life” but with a message on screen about pads or calibration, then you are hitting the problem of capacitor charging/discharging.

Turn it off; wait at least 30seconds; turn it on again. Try this a couple of times if it doesn’t work the first time. Go slooowwww.