I have seen many people use portable power banks with their Digitone and/or Digitakt, also I see different recommendations for powebanks here on Elektronauts. But they all seem to be Amazon-links, and amazon are not to big on shipping these to Norway, where I live. Probably some rules that are interfering in some way.
Can anyone recommend powebank that’s for sale in Norway or that has world shipping ?
Any and all tips are much appreciated
curious about this, too. I found a powerbank with variable output (but not the 6V my OT needs) here: https://www.mobisun.com/nl/40000-mah-laptop-powerbank/
Digitone and Digitakt use 12Volt, so that should work. I don’t know if the 5V will work on the OT…
Hi @RogerPaolo!
I asked the same question on the digitone fb-group, and I got a lot of good suggestion. I couldn’t for the life of me figure out to copy the link to my actual question, so you will have to find it yourself.
Posted it last Tuesday: