Setting Conditional-Trigs as Pre-Conditions does not work with probability. Both just never play, even if the previous does not play blocked by track-probability.
That way random sequences had been possible. Did not check the Neighbour Function, what a shame…well its possible using Fill+Probability, but its not so easy as turning one knob.
Ok trying to explain it another way…the idea is to create a more random sequence that just happens if you turn the track probability knob down
All the trigs that don’t play at track probability 100% have a Pre-Not Conditions in it…so they should just play if the previous one does not play.
Its not working that way as both do not play if you set down the track probability the first plays or both dont play.
@ trophoniq …not sure but you have set a conditional trig at the probability of the previous step? Did not check if it works that way, but thats not the way I want it. I just wanna turn one knob to switch between a more random sequence and the 100% Sequence. Its wired I know.
Yeah as others have stated PRE and NEI respond to the previous trig condition. Decreasing the track percentage does not affect the trig condition. In order to do what you want to do you would have to go into grid mode and turn down the trig conditions to a percentage one at a time. Now you can do this for multiple trigs (as many as your digits can mash) but you will have to remember which ones you want to affect and which ones are the PRE.
I was so disappointed when I figured this out. There are a lot of neat little tricks to create mixers/mutes within tracks and I really wanted to us the pre/nei’s as another way to morph patterns
If you get to a point where all the Not-Pre TRCs are not sounding then do a double stop
The Not-Pre trigs will all sound if those are the sole TRCs on a track, if you live tinker on a track and change some TRC’s you can have them be in a temporary truth table state that a double stop will remedy
Those exclusive Not-Pres will be True (on) in-perpetuity and will not be affected by probability on the track - so having this specific configuration is not of any use (those Not-Pres may as well be locked 100%)
It’ll be random if you have no TRCs and mess with probability