Preferred scales/modes for dub techno music

I like to make dub techno on elektron devices (digitakt, octatrack). Are there certain preferences regarding scale/mode for this style of music. If not specific for dub techno, then I’m interested which style of music you make, and which mode/scale. Obviously I know the standard A/G minor / Major scales, and modes. I’m interested if people are using Dorian mode, Myxolydian etc.

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Not sure if it helps you, and I’m sure others here have very interesting scales for you. But I love using as little scale as possible. I prefer non-quantized pitch sequencers in my Eurorack. Just follow my ears and chase sounds more then musical scales. When I use machines that work with scales like electrons, I purposefully try to aim for a bit of atonality too and just follow my ears to some atonal tones.

Just to represent that end of the spectrum here :grin:


I want to say “don’t let conventions control your creativity”. If you want to play with an atypical scale, you should just go ahead and do it. It’s your music. Make it for yourself first, and your audience second.

That said… if you want to earn more money, it’s probably worth laying down a foundation of predicability on which to build your castle, adding the flourishes, idiosyncrasies and oubliettes slowly over time.

(Note: I’m not a successful musician, just a dreamer)


I mainly use min7 chords. You can shape your chord differently by playing III, V or VII one octave down or up.


I know that. I’m able to play piano etc. And especially changing modes helps a track. Eg don’t use a 2ndDim but a major

I don’t make dub techno but phrygian is my go-to for a darker, “serious” sound, though you can be as subtle or obvious as you like about it depending on how often you throw in that minor second.

Always worth experimenting with others, of course, I was making something in a whole tone scale yesterday. You can also tweak scales for something a bit more out of the box, e.g. I also like the dorian mode, so you could try phrygian with a major 6th for a slightly different flavour (I’ve just discovered upon googling that this is something called the javaneese mode) - keep experimenting until you find what works! “The rules are just guidelines”, etc.


scales are a limitation - chromatic all the way!
(which has always been the tradition in techno music)


Chromatic? pah! just bang an LFO on the pitch and be done with it :laughing:


Chromatic is a scale




I’m gonna get into nanotones before they start being cool…

Ah someone beat me to it

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MicroTonal = maximumEmotions
i agree @Jeanne

i would say even more powerful expressivity

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I work out all my scales by mashing all the keys until one of my dogs throws up.


All white keys. Easy.

Blues it is!


But anyway … chromatic scale, being away from traditional harmony, and the slides may introduce some microtones. samples may be out of “key”, then there’s chord memory style …

that’s techno <3

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your tape delay and filter should be creating the notes


Emin + plenty of sound design.
Is there more?
Doesn’t even have to be at perfect pitch, just the interval itself or tones that come close to that interval.

Go off-grid and make it roll :metal: