Prepping samples in Ableton

hello friends

I am having difficulty making decisions about how much processing to do in Ableton before exporting loops for OT.

My intent, for now, is to make house music around 120-124 bpm.

My quandry, is about how far out of this BPM you would for a sample, before it sounds like absolute garbage, in not a good way?

Also, to do the timestrech in Ableton or edit at the original song BPM and let the Octatrack do the dirty work bringing loop up or down to project tempo?

I have a dozen or so songs i’m looking at chopping up but i can’t decide if i should warp them all out in Ableton before sample export…

About 8 bpm in my opinion, if using timestretch. And that’s pushing it. 5 bpm each way is fine. Unless it’s bass, which sounds awful when Time stretched. Again, to my ears, in my opinion. Unless you’re going for some weird special effect… in my opinion.

Let OT do all the work. It’s more fun that way. Note- write all your tracks in one project, then you already have a live set ready to perform. OT can do tempo per pattern, so very easy to have many songs in one project.

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i know it CAN do tempo per pattern. and maybe some time in the future, i won’t be focused on trying to make house music in this bpm range, but my ultimate goal is to be able to play an hour set (non stop) with my gear. I probably start at 120 bpm and end at 124?

I find myself pitching up a lot more than down, i’m not one of these love everything lofi people. When i sample things, i try to get most best quality possible, try to aviod “artifacts” that these nerds love so much, LoL

Sounds like you’ll be fine. One project, ( so you can play non stop) all your songs in there. With only 4 bpm variance, it will sound fine. Enjoy

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