Pressing record changes the patch/sound

When I am sound designing, I get to a patch that I am happy with and then go on to either live record or input trigs manually. The issue I have is that often the sound is different once inputted into the sequencer. For example, I have made a nice pad with a long release, but when it is put into record mode, the envelope appears to cut off creating a short swell rather than the desired long release. I have tried increasing the length of the trigs.

Any ideas?



Is it possible that you simply run out of voices, so voice stealing is happening?

Btw, increasing the length of the trigs will do nothing in regards to the release time (the release phase is happening after the trig).

Is there a way I can check to see if this is the case? I don’t think it is this, as currently I just have a bass drum pattern with one percussion instrument, and another patch playing diads.

Thanks so much

Check the manual about the “voice menu” (there are quite some options there like locking voices to specific tracks).

Additionally you can check the “sound setup menu” if the sound isn’t set to play monophonic.

locking voices doesn’t seem to work unfortunately. All tracks are set to poly, and problem still persisted when I changed the monophonic tracks to monophonic.

Any other ideas? It is possible that it may be voice stealing but I don’t understand how it could be an issue with so few voices in the pattern.

Why you think locking voices doesn’t work? Let’s say the pad sound is on track 1. When you lock 2 voices to track 1 (and track 1 isn’t set to monophonic), you can have 2 sounds playing there at once (== release phase of first trig won’t be cut short by the second trig).

BTW: What firmware version are you using? I can remember that there where problems with voice stealing when the same note got triggered again on the same track, even when there were voices left. But this problem should got fixed (AFAIK) in one of the latest versions.

Update (just seen it in the manual):

Now you can use REUSE=OFF in the voice menu to prevent this same-note-voice stealing from happening.

See the squares in the top right hand corner? When all 8 are filled, all 8 voices are being used and at that point it’s possible that voices are being stolen when new notes are entered

are you using a lot of the same note? the DN attempts to keep trigs with the same note and same track on the same voice which can cause resets. In general it’d be easier if you could post a video showing exactly what you’re doing to get the behavior.

The squares are never completely filled. I will post a video shortly thanks so much

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Here is an example

It would be useful to see the Voices menu at the time when starting the sequencer because DN has 8 shared voices in total, so the other tracks being introduced might be stealing the voices from your synth part. Regardless, you can easily check this by giving your synth part priority for certain voices by locking them to it (bottom left using the E encoder from the image I put up earlier). Your part had what 2 or 3 notes ringing simultaneously? Try locking 3 voices to the synth. In this way, you will hear the drums or other parts start missing hits if the 8 voice limit is being exceeded. Make sense?

I would check the voice menu and let the track play with the others muted to see how many release voices you need (count the max number of ringing voices and set the voice count lock on that pad track accordingly) then introduce your drums and lock voices to adjust voice stealing as needed :slight_smile:

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