Prevent the screen from OLED burn-in


I owned a Octatrack Mk. II. It was brand new. After few 2 or 3 weeks, the OLED screen started to burn-in :frowning:

I have just purchased a Syntakt. I would avoid the OLED screen to burn-in as fast as Octatrak screen did.

How can I do ?

I have dimmed the OLED, but I do not know if it will help.

  • The screen turn off after 60 minutes. Is there a way to reduce te delay to 10, 15, 20 minutes.
  • Is there a key combo that allot to turn off the screen whie Syntakt on but is not used ?
  • Is there a(some) screen(s) that display a minium of information (most of the sceen surface is black) and can be activated ?

Thank you.


My 15+ years old monomachine doesnā€™t have any screen burn.
I find it very sad to see these changes on design.

Sorry, but to answer your questions: thereā€™s nothing you can do except change the screen when it gets burned.

Yes, 60 mn is a bit ridiculous.
I had not answer from Elektron in that concern.

Power off if you donā€™t use it.
But yes, if you use ST without the screen, as audio monitor / soundcard, expanderā€¦ability to turn of the screenā€¦

:thinking: Change the system ?

Change screen is not the easiest, if spare parts exist !

My OT MKI screen is ok, but Iā€™m not confident with buttons. I had to glue 2 of them. At least they can be replaced by another type of buttons in the endā€¦

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You sure you have screen burn-in and youā€™re not just seeing the subtle ghosting/contrast bands you get like in this image?

Main reason I ask is that 2 weeks isnā€™t very longā€¦

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Hello natehorn

Yes, I confirm it was not ghosting but burn-in.
Because, when I activated the Diagnostic Mode and displayed the full blank screen, I could see the track level graphics and other graphics of the Octatrack main screen.

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I have a feeling that digi boxes have a different screen or a different way of driving/powering it.
Seen a handful of OT A4 and Rytm with burn ins, but i cant remember seeing any digis with burn in.

My DN was originally a floor model for a few years, and ive been using it quite often since, no burn in.
So unless there is a defect, your ST should be fine.
If want to be extra cautious - turn off while not in use, set brightness to low. (still very bright)

How long did you have the Octatrack for? Do you still have it now?

There can be image retention on OLEDā€™s that is temporary and will fade in time (even if slowly), rather than permanently burned in. Permanent burn-in shouldnā€™t happen even if a screen is static for two weeks solid, unless the panel is faulty in some way. Someone tested the OLED Nintendo Switch for example and it took 3600 hours of a static image for burn-in to become noticeable.

I do wish manufacturers would just use decent IPS displays though as temporary image retention will certainly become burn-in over long periods when the screens are displaying the same or similar imagery all the time, which is inevitable with synth menus systems.

Hello Mumdad

No, I do not own the Octatrack anymore.
I sold it when I saw that the OLED screen was deteriorating and Octatrack was ā€œlosing value ($)ā€ because of this defect. Itā€™s a shame because I loved him very much.

I really donā€™t understand why Elektron uses such poor quality screens and refuses to implement effective screensavers.

I have sent a email to Elektron at ā€œfeature-request@elektron.seā€ and ask for an ā€œoff screen delayā€ parameter (5, 10, 15, 20 minutes, ā€¦) in the setup menu.
I do not know if someone reads emails sent to feature-request@elektron.seā€¦ :roll_eyes:

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