Preview a sound while pattern is playing?

The newest update brought me back to the DN…
Is there a way to preview how a pattern would sound with another sound without having to replace the current sound ?

No - it’s not been this way on any boxes that I know of. -the common workaround is to actually load (after a Pattern temp save Fn+Yes (whilst NOT in sound browser) if you like)

when you fetch up the sound browser instead of just pressing yes for the desired sound to be loaded into the pattern - do FN and Yes - all this does is it prevents the sound browser from closing, thus allowing further auditioning - be sure to release Fn whilst arrow scrolling sounds as it will accelerate through list

But this does effectively what you want and if you don’t like what you hear hit Fn+No to reload the temp save pattern (when not in sound browser)


Not too bad… Thanks !

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