Price difference, buy keys instead?

Now that the digitone is $800, the keys is only $200 more. For that price it seems like a no brainier… I went ahead and got one because it seems worth it to beable to record on from the keyboard without messing with anything else.
It turns out I really love it and am surprised it didn’t get much love? I think it’s my favorite instrument I have ever had because it just seems to beable to do practically anything…
I hear the main criticism of it is that is not portable like a digitone, but I don’t really agree with that argument, sure it’s not tiny, but it is half the size and weight of my prophet 6 and that is considered a small synth. It’s actually the same size as my prophet 6 when is in its case!! When the prophet is in it’s case it takes real effort to move, but this you can just throw it on your back and you have basically everything you need!! It’s so lightweight and small but almost a workstation in ability it really is crazy to me…
Anyway, sorry for the rant, but is anyone else just in love with the dtk? I think I’m smitten and I’ve had allot of stuff… I thought it would be good knowing Electron, but this thing is great!!
I really wish they will do a song mode though considering the price of these things… I love the fm way more then analog but I really want a song mode.


Actually, I always bring the Keystep with my Digitone, so maybe I should really consider a DK…


If they weren’t ridiculous prices in Australia, and if I had the money and space, I’d definitely go for the Keys. It’s a very playable synth. In fact I’ve spent more time playing the DN than I have sequencing it.


True that. Way more fun to play than it is to sequence.

I also bought the Digitone Keys and I couldn’t be happier. It’s so easy to sequence my other synths and you get the amazing Elektron sequencer which is amazing!

Good buy!

Its an excellent instrument… So much more than a Digitone with a keyboard attached.

And you’re right - it isn’t very big at all, fairly heavy but that’s because its very well built.

I picked up a 36" padded rifle case to transport mine. Straps on like a rucksack and quite comfy. Cost me £40GBP . Well safe and secure.

The last update Elektron released really sorted out quite a few bugs and niggles with it.
Now they just need to add a 4 channel mixer in the AMP 2 page where those 4 little unused boxes are… and it’ll be almost complete :wink:

I went ahead and got the electron case even though it cost $200… kinda crazy price but things just cost more these days, I got a open box so I figured I pretty much got the case for free… anyway, that’s how I rationalised it. The case is actually really narrow, I was surprised. I guess it’s the width of the side of a analog rytm case if you want to use it to carry one of those… is about two inches bigger then the digitone on the side.

I sold my Digitone to get the Keys and it was a fantastic decision. The keybed is as good as semi-weighted gets (fatar), the mod wheels are absolutely premium, the track outs are great as effects sends, the form factor is plenty intuitive and actually preferred for a setup with limited depth to work with.

I can go on and on… I got it for Open-box price so it it was a no brainer for me, but to be honest, once I started using it I understood why the MSRP was as pricy as it was. It’s totally worth it at the discounted price.

Right!! I thought the one thing I would never really use was the individual out’s, I never really use them on mpc’s and stuff… but with the keys I have been using them all the time!! I’m really surprised, I guess it’s because the sounds are so bold that you can run them to something else and get a sound that is like it’s from a whole other synth really. I love running drum parts to different semi-modulars that have inputs for line, or other synths with inputs.

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…don’t u worry about not enough love for this unique music instrument…


…had no need for my tone anymore…but once i start playing in front of seated audiences in theaters again…
guess what my next stage rig will be based on…
while sayin’ so, i realize again, all shows for 21 got rescheduled for 22…these days…
stay strong and healthy everybody…