Price for well used Analog Rytm - what's reasonable?

Hey peeps! Long time, no see. :slight_smile:

I’m looking to buy an Analog Rytm, they usually go for around 9000-10.000 NOK around here (Norway), the last one was a mint one which was sold for 9000 NOK ($1180 roughly) (I didn’t have the cash at the time). There’s a guy selling his for 9700 NOK ($1270), but it looks quite well used from the pictures of it, and the marking on “track/global” has been worn off, so he’s put a sticker on it to indicate the function. You can see pics of it here:

I personally don’t really mind stuff like that, BUT, I know other people do a lot of times, and therefore a sell-on value of the machine could be a lot less than the price he’s wanting for it - which in turn forces me to care about it afterall. This particular machine has been for sale for a long time as well, which is making me a bit cautious about buying it - maybe because it’s priced a bit too high.

Question is - do you reckon it’s reasonable to get the price down a bit if the machine has some worn marks? If most people here agree it’s no big deal and that they’d buy a machine like that, then hopefully a lot of other people would too, so just trying to gauge a bit how people are thinking. I tried to ask for a price reduction, but he wouldn’t sell it for anything less.

I’m thinking about buying a near mint used one from Sweden and rather just pay a bit more (in import tax) to get one that doesn’t look so beat up, simply for re-sale value.

What do you guys think? :slight_smile: Any feedback on this much appreciated!

well, here in the states the price of an AR has completely plummeted. i’m currently trying to sell mine and i’m competing with people who are selling their’s via eBay for $700-800, and i was hoping to get at least $900 for mine.

so yeah, no problem at all asking for less considering the condition and the current used climate for ARs.


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Thanks for that, zfigs! I guess I should have a look around eBay as well then. :slight_smile:

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TBH … those images of an AR would be a no-go for me.

That’s not “perfect condition” … that’s worn and beaten. To call this a perfect condition tells much about the owner, which I wouldn’t trust.

How long do we have the AR in the shops? Since 2014? I have seen older war horses, having been used regularly and being in pretty better shape after decades. The Elektron boxes are of a sturdy built quality and it takes some disregard of “how to treat an instrument”, to end there, what the images show us.

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just sold mine, which has had minimal use in the 2 years i have had it and got AUD $1600
so bought and sold within Australia

are you planing to get the MKII

yah, but in the states you get things for dirt cheap. ARs are going for $750-$900usd.

mine went for about $880 on reverb.

selling it to pay for some new drum modules i got (adx1 and Nord Drum 2).

I sold my Rytm 3 months ago for 1050€
It was from the first batch, heavily used but in perfect condition

check out ebay and you’ll see the prices they’re fetching for…pretty crazy. mint condition ARs with extras going for $700.

Yeah, exactly! I’ve been trying to say this to the seller, but he reckons it shouldn’t matter. Still, definitely not in the “perfect condition” he says it is in. I’m not touching it.

Thanks for the replies, guys, I think I’ll snag one from Sweden or wait until one pops up again here. :slight_smile:

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I was bidding for one on eBay last night. It eventually went for $860. So it’s around there, but most people are asking more for their’s (and struggling with getting it sold).

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Worn off silk-screen isn’t a big deal. It seems pretty inevitable with the MK1 rytm and a4 if you actually use them regularly. whats most important is the feel of the knobs. if they’re used too aggressively, they become very loose and can make dialling in parameters an unenjoyable experience. that said, if the silk-screen has been rubbed off through regular use, the encoders must have been used a lot as well.

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Yeah, it just looks very well used, so would rather get something else in case it’s been too well used. Hehe. I’m in the process of scoring one from Sweden, mint condition with some extra soundpacks. It’s just a tiny bit more expensive after taxes than the one I posted, so it’ll do. :slight_smile: Thanks for all the feedback guys!

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