Just wanted to give people a heads up. I thought this was an amazing deal. Brand new in the box machine drum mk ii UW version for $960. I verified this with the seller several times to make sure it was in fact the mkii UW version and it was.

I’ve bought stuff from these guys before, directly through their website using the “chat” service and have bought gear that if/when i sell it I pretty much break even. They new prices compete with what items go for on EBAY used. pretty impressive.

I just chatted w/ them on their site and they told me $960 was for the SPS-1 MKII (not the UW).

HMPH…sorry hope i must have been mistaken? but the guy i was talking to i checked SEVERAL times. Obviously, he wasn’t aware of the difference.

In general though, they do have fantastic deals. I got an analog 4 brand new for $1000.

I won my mkII UW in an eBay bid from a german guy for €900 (with +Drive)
Was in mint condition when I got it. Seems most people take good care of them. Never seen a battered one for sale.

Here’s another on eBay for $1050. Looks in good nick too

best prices in germany, dont know about shipping costs to USA, I could ask for you …

customer service is just excellent! bought my A4 and MDuw+ there online.

they ship with 3 year warranty

also I found crazy deals on used MDs after announcement of Rytm… but you cant beat warranty and non used knobs :slight_smile: