Problem upgrading from OS 1.45b to 1.61 (Analog Rytm Mk II)

Hi, everyone:
Just purchased a used Analog Rytm Mark II. I downloaded Transfer ( and attempted to update via USB. As soon as I connected to the Rytm, Transfer gave me the message “An older version of device firmware is installed which may corrupt your samples. Please update your device.” When I click “download firmware” it takes me to the support pages. The support page for the Analog Rytm mkII does not contain any firmware links. Where do I find the firmware to which it refers? I should also remark that Transfer refuses to accept the 1.61 .syx file in the drop area. At a loss. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

If my memory works correctly, the version of of the software on your Rytm is too old to support being updated by the version of Transfer you have.

You’ll need to use a different method of updating your Rytm (such as using an app to send SysEx, such as C6), or find an older (pre 1.4) version of Transfer. You could scour the web for these, or see if Elektron will help you directly. Give their customer support an email.

Thank you so much, Octagonist. I will check out C6 and see how that goes. I have sent an email to Elektron. I will see what they can do for me also. If all else fails, I’ll hope to get lucky with a pre 1.4 version of Transfer as you suggest (if indeed it can be found). Ah, the joys of buying used gear. I still like the device very much regardless.

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