Problem with a4 mk1 switch

Hey, i despair! After years of running well know it seems to be that time again. Nothing works! Only undo possible after putting the play button. Screen looks different to the origin. I dont know why i cant upload photos here? Does anybody know this problem in the meantime?

Looks like your Chain button might be stuck. Try giving it a few taps?


Thank you very much! I‘ve been into this for years and even elektron didnt know that problem! It works! It actually was the chain button. it sat a little lower like the other one. But finally what can i do to get it more agile because after put it down it gets stuck. Best regards!

Haha nice! Glad it worked


I guess there’s a spring in the button that’s failed so the button is always making contact. Ask Elektron for a replacement button (the spring is probably part of the button mechanism)

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is soldering necessary?

is a4 a bottom mount pcb like MD or a face mounted board like DT? when dt buttons stick, usually they are too close to the hole on the faceplate and you have to realign the top pcb.

if you have to replace the actual button, yes. if it’s just the button cap, no.


contact cleaner on a sticky switch is a relatively risk free endeavour

the switch could be beyond repair, but being blocked/stickied up is more likely imho

It is only 2 solder points on those fwiw

this is a mk1 type switch


Thank you all for you informations!

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