Problem with clicking sound when CP is choking RS

When the clap on the CP track is choking the sound on the RS track I get this clicking and I don’t understand how to get rid of it, or if it’s possible. Anyone know what’s going on?

Choking on the AR is essentially voice stealing. The voice immediately stops what it is doing and starts doing something else.

How to get rid of it? Prevent choking from happening in the first place (no overlapping trigs).

Yeah I get that, just never had it click this much. Too long sounds?

IMHO it’s more or less bad “luck”. Technically it’s all about the level and phase of the signal when the voice stealing happens. If it’s near a zero crossing (quite low) and in the “right” phase you won’t hear it. If you are unlucky and the stealing happens when the signal is quite high, it becomes very noticeable.

There are quite a few factors involved: analog voice + sample (?) + exact tempo + placement of the trigs …

As a simply countermeasure you can try to move the trigs around a bit with microtiming. Or try to modify the tempo slightly …

Hm, seems to not make any difference in this case. I’ve tried changing the tempo and microtiming with the trigs. It even persist when I remove the the trigs that are conflicting from the RS track.

tried checking/changing the settings on the AMP envelope?

So it’s not the choked track that’s clicking, but the CP track. My suggestions above will only work when it’s the other way around.

In this case add a small attack time in the AMP menu (like @guga suggested),

I tried all sorts of of AMP settings :confused: really scratching my head this one. I’ve got an audio rate lfo modulating the level of the perc and an exponential one shot lfo on the clap modulating overdrive, thought it might have something to do with that but it’s the same when I turn them of.

edit: might be the tail of the clap. If I set the hold and decay to 1 it almost disappear. But then there is almost no clap left :smiley: I’ll find a workaround. maybe I don’t need a clap… or I can put a sample on another track. Thanks for your help!

I’ve noticed some strange interactions between the supposedly independent RS and CP voices [machines] when playing with the “symmetry” parameter on the RS engine. Like if the RS Voice [machine] is triggered first with a certain symmetry parameter (I think this is a setting affecting the bias of the overdrive or the VCO signal or something?), when I then immediately triggered a clap on the CP voice [machine], it seemed that clap also had its “symmetry” parameter affected. I’m really not sure what exactly is going on there, but maybe it’s worth playing with the RS engine’s symmetry parameter a bit to see if that tames the click.

Edit: after @ccr pointed out error in my comment, corrected “voices” to “machines”

RS and CP are not independent, they share a voice.

Ah right, sorry I had some terms mixed up. What I meant was that you’d think the CP and RS engines themselves should be independent of each other’s parameters, however, the symmetry parameter of the RS engine can have an influence on the CP engine.

I do not think they are actually separate machines in a physical sense (but I may be wrong here). The manual puts it like this: “A MACHINE is a set of synthesis parameters that control a percussion sound generator to act like a certain drum model” (p. 13). The way I understand it is that all machines on the same voice use the same electronic circuit.

Edit: just also read on p. 22 (I like reading Elektron manuals :sweat_smile:): “A MACHINE makes use of the physical percussion sound generator of the voice circuit in a certain way…”

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Oh yes, your description is 100% correct. Perhaps there is a misunderstanding between us because of how I phrased my last comment. When I said “the CP and RS engines themselves should be independent”, I didn’t mean this in a descriptive “this is how the circuit was designed”-way, but in a wishful “this is how I desire the circuit to behave, but too bad it doesn’t”-way. I think there is, in fact, a dependency between the current state of the CP-machine and the previous state of the RS-machine, and I think this dependency is an undesirable result of how the voice circuit is designed as you described it.

Regardless, I appreciate your description of how the machines relate to the voice circuit, because I think @varm_kall 's problem stems from this.

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