Problem with Overbridge on Mac


im encountering a problem that my iMac (Yosemite, all drivers/updates new, installed everything fresh),
will not shut down when i turn off the Elektron Keys first, before shutting down the mac.
The Mac reboots then and gives me a kernel error involving to a Problem with Overbridge.
If i shut down the Mac first, turning the Elektron off afterwards is no problem, but its suspicious.

All hardware is new, and i had no problems before. Hmm, any ideas?

I could not figure it out yet.
So what i did is reinstalling the OSX completely be deleting the whole partitions and installing everthing freshly.
The error still is there, Overbridge causes the Mac not shutting down and ending in a Kernel Error. Damn whats happening…

What DAW are you using? Maybe create a ticket.

Live 9.2.2, but the error seems to happen also when the daw is not started before.
Yea, i created a ticked, with the error log and a even a video of the problem.

Working great over here on El Capitan 10.11.1. Funny because I just read the email that said this OS isn’t supported. OSX added new protections to prevent the system files getting modified called SIP or system integrity protection, you can de-activate it using ‘’ and install the kext you extracted from the installer using pacifist with ‘Kext Utility’