Problem with Overbridge within REAPER

When I try to slave my A4 to Reaper I have the problem that every time I hit play it sounds weird for a couple of seconds and only after that it plays well. It sounds like Reaper is trying to find the right tempo/pitch… the pitch goes up and down and it’s all a bit crackling… and after that it’s fine.

When I listen to the Master Out of my A4 everything sounds fine only the USB Outs are affected.

It works well in Ableton and also in Logic. But Reaper is my favorite DAW so it would be great to find a trick to solve this. I can work with it though but it’s really annoying…


Following. Have not touched OB as yet, but REAPER is my only DAW and prefer it so hope to hear if this is simply a setting within REAPER or OB and/or both. I should add I have only utilized REAPER and my recording PC build as an expensive multitrack recorder as yet. Always on path of learning.

man Reaper has so so so many obscure, under-the-hood settings and preferences…

its also my go-to DAW on PC, so Im with you - but id bet it has something to do with some setting somewhere

for example, i was freaking out about that “reset patch on stop” option for a long time because it kept resetting the kit on my AK whenever playback stopped… it was just a setting in the prefs… a very weird and bizarre default setting, but that was it

Yeah,I think I found the solution.

In the track where the A4 Plugin is used do a rightclick and choose “Prevent anticipative FX” in “Track performance options” menu.

Have to do some further testing the next days but at first glance it seems to work :slight_smile:

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Did the “prevent anticipative fx” really fix the problem? Have had the same problem with my AR since overbridge went out of beta. Elektron basically said - we don’t have the resources to fix it.

Here is a video of the drunken sync problem. Same hardware works fine in Abelton lite.

Yes, it worked for me.
However my problems sounded different to yours. I know yours too and I have it from time to time. But it’s quite rare so not a big problem.

But I don’t use overbridge that much. It’s better for my workflow to print everything to audio in a early stage of building a track… so I don’t have to mess with all these USB problems and MIDI stuff