Hi all - hoping someone may be able to help with a problem I’m having. I am trying to program MIDI tracks with Program/preset changes from one pattern to the next and having some difficulty. I’ve tried this with two separate instruments and have the same problem, which is this:
On the SYN1 page, I am setting the PROG value for the preset that I want to activate in my MIDI instrument. However this MIDI message is not sent until the instant before the very first note in the pattern sequence is triggered (this is understandable since you can P-Lock the PROG value and change it for each trig). The problem I have is that this first trig’s note is not playing correctly - depending on the instrument, it could “chirp” like it is not getting a full note duration, or in the case of my Nord, it is still playing the prior pattern’s preset sound for that initial note. It is almost as if there is not enough time for the instrument to react to the PROG change and then the incoming MIDI note. After the problematic first trig, all subsequent notes are played correctly. That is, until I change the pattern again, and the PROG setting changes - and the problem repeats itself in the new pattern/sequence.
I have been through the manual several times and even hooked up my ipad with a MIDI monitor. I can see the PROG change immediately followed by my triggered note in the monitor. And since this issue only affects the first trig to play in any pattern, I’m a bit stumped.
Pattern 1, PROG 1, Trig 1 note is bad, Trig 2+ notes are fine (Note 1 is fine if the sequence loops back around)
Pattern 2, PROG 2, Trig 1 note is bad, Trig 2+ notes are fine (same as above if loops)
Has anyone had this problem or possibly any advice for me? Thanks!