Problems loading samples

Hi, I’m trying to load some samples into my UW.

I just downloaded C6 and connect T1.

Loaded some sample on C6 and convert it.

Then in UW : Global > Select first slot > File > Sample manager > Receive > Select empty slot > Enter: UW shows “waiting”.

Then in C6: Send > program shows a progress bar and T1 midi out led starts blinking… but UW still showing waiting message even when C6 finish the process.

Some idea?

Hey mate !

What is your configuration in C6 ?

Mine is

With midi IN/OUT plugged. Try it out and tell us.

Also, when I can’t make it work (sometimes it purely WON’T work), I just reboot the comp, the MD (with my snapshot beautifully saved) and everything with a midi. USB/midi seems kinda schiz sometimes. With that, I can send/receive full turbo.

Thank you Nexnesis!! it´s working. I tried your setup and it works well, but only after select (blue marked) Tm1 on config panel.

Nice to hear that !

Now blast this swedish lady ! :joy: