Program Change Digitone to Digitakt

I know what you mean. Had the exact same issue. I am a weekend away or else I would like to have tried something at home. It is also that the Digis behave different then the Analogs.

Could you give a simple example when it occurs with like the Digitakt and digitone? Perhaps with screens of the pattern screen with the length for both devices. Also would like to know which one is you master. When I get home I will take a look.

Itā€™s the same on both analog and digis ive tested them.
just try set the master device that is sending the pc changes to master length to inf
change length to 64. The device that sends the pc will change on 64 when you tell it
but the device that receives pc will change late and wonā€™t change until reaches 128.

Itā€™s just a weird limitation the change length doesnā€™t override the master length
Via pc and sends it after it changesā€¦

Ahh I remembered when I had the AR and A4 that it was a bit different. But why u use a pc instead of just following the patterns like normal.

Iā€™m not sure what you meanā€¦
I had all of them just sold the digitakt recently though.
the analog and digis have the exact same settings and behaviour just different layout.
The Octatrack works a bit differently to them both.
Iā€™m just sending program change via midi to change patterns in sync as normalā€¦

Iā€™m happy to be proven wrong, but think you will find that change length doesnā€™t work as expected With a few tests of different settings when syncing multiple Elektrons

You constantly talk about sending a pc. If you use a midi track you can place a trig with a pc message. This will tell the other box it has to shift patterns. Like you press the pattern button on it. Is this what you mean by sending a program change? Because if not this could be your way to go.

they automatically send PC to change patterns you just have to set program change channels in the midi settings to make them follow each other.
Isnā€™t this how you use them?
Placing a pc on the midi is only available on the digis and not a solution and would honestly be a headache to do and not really what Iā€™m trying to achieve.

Iā€™m talking about the change length settings not working as expected,
When using them in the standard way

Well they do work as intended on the box itself. Because that box is said to go to the next pattern when it receives a pattern changes. The other boxes receive the message when the master changes. So therefor the ch length is triggered at that moment. So intentionally it works as mentioned.

And there is the difference I was thinking about with the Analogs and Digis. With the pc over midi trigs it will work and they change in time. That is the response I got from Elektron support. I know it is not the greatest solution, but it works. You just have to get familiar with the trigs. You could place them on a Digitakt or Digitone and they only get noticed with trig condition fill. That way you can say a fill roll on your last pattern and then change patterns. The fill wil trig your pc with midi. And therefor the other boxes no that the machine needs to play itā€™s change length before switching. And they should be in sync

They do work as intended on the box itself I never disputed that.
But the change length setting overrides the master on the box itself but it doesnā€™t override the message sent to the boxes following it and that is the problemā€¦

that canā€™t be what they intended and makes no sense as an intended behaviour.
I think it is probably more of a technical limitation for whatever reason Because it stops you from having inf pattern lengths that can change in time togetherā€¦

I have the Octatrack as master changing the patterns on the others
Adding pc in midi tracks takes the freedom of changing patterns from the Octatrack and adds unnecessary complicationsā€¦

The other work around is to use channel 16 on overbridge plugins to change patterns
It works that way and can change correctly when using inf settings,
so why doesnā€™t it work the other standard way?

I still love my elektron setup its great gear and all is good
and As I said Iā€™ve learnt to deal with it as it is as they all act this way.
But I canā€™t see it as intended behaviour, itā€™s either a bug
Or a technical limitation

Old threadā€¦ I found while being confused, and here are my findings:

  • If both Digitakt and Digitone use M.lEN OFF, and even with the same CH.LEN, patterns donā€™t switch at the same time, I experience the Digitone (slave in this case) waiting for 1 bar, in another try, 1 beat (while CH.LEN was set to 64 and 16 respectively)
  • If they both have CH.LEN to OFF and M.LEN set to a multiple (in my case one pattern on Digitone has 16 while the corresponding pattern on Digitakt has 64), everything works fine.

Can anyone confirm that, or tell me if using CH.LEN to other value than OFF works for them?


Hello there.

I am new to the Digitakt Digitone combo and was struggling to get them to behave properly ie when changing to a new bank/pattern on my DT (master) I wanted the same thing to occur on the DN.

It is now working. Here are the steps if useful to any newbie like me :

  1. MIDI CONFIG / SYNC menu : enable PROG CH RECEIVE on the DN and PROG CH SEND on the DT
  2. MIDI CONFIG / CHANNELS menu : check that the PROG CHG OUT on your master device is matching the midi channel of the device you want to control. In my case, I had to change it from AUTO to the proper channel (13 for me but it depends on your config).

And voilĆ  it now works like a charm, without any delay (as opposed to the Program change in a trig method).

Good luck to everyone !

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Normal PC works fine. Itā€™s when you have different track lengths or multipliers that it gets messed up. Hopefully they fix it soon.