Program Change Digitone to Digitakt

So no update here for both machines since longer times. I guess there will be no solution for the program change issues, the switch is always a bar too late.

And I need the Digitone to send PC to the Digitakt as it is using already PC in combination with conditional triggers to make variation on the drumming.

Or will it be updated?

I have found some solutions, but they are more or less expensive.

  1. Footswitchpedal like Behringer FCB 1010. I guess will work fine. Sending program changes to both machines.

  2. Wired solution:
    Digitone Midi Out to Digitakt Midi In to Digitone Midi In (Feedback)
    So I need a Midi Merger 2XMidi In for my keyboard. I guess Midi Solutions is my choice.
    Besides I think I need a Midi Event Processor by Midi Solutions to convert some data and to avoid midi feedback. Also it gives kind of song mode by PC to the Digitakt preprogrammed at the Digitone. Fill Conditions now can switch between sequenced pattern chaining at the DN for the Digitakt and an overall pattern switch between both Machines. Besides thats really interesting as we now have longer sequences. Its like follow actions in ableton…well, 300€ and your ready to go.

I know its wired.

That way I can control everything from the DN and using fills to switch pattern at both machines. Just using the fill button. Of course the triggers had to be set somewhere before the end of the bar.

  1. Also it is possible with the Midi Event Processor to just use a Masterkeyboard to switch Patterns if you like that more than the Footpedal.

So thats the only solution I see and I guess I go for the second option as it is more flexible using the fill-option.

Any Ideas? Or elektron are the pattern switches working sometimes right?
And please no octatrack or anything else, I will stay with both Machines as they are really comfortable working horses.


I’ve got no problem changing patterns between the DT and the DN but I use the options under the midi sync menu.

I know people like to mix and match patterns though so not sure if setting it that way would help you.


Don’t use different time signatures. The boxes don’t like that. Or use a midi channel for program changes and send the signal at the start of a pattern.


List of changes from OS 1.01 to 1.02

Bug fixes

Pattern change occurred one pattern length to late after receiving a Program Change message from other Elektron device.

I don’t understand the problem. When I had both boxes running in sync, they both switched to a new pattern at the same time regardless of whether DT or DN was the master. Look at your settings again. Admittedly, you needed them to switch to the same pattern number, so a01 to a02 had to be the same thing on both devices. Are you trying to do something more complex, like a02 on DN should match a05 on DT?

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Thanks you are right. It has to be a fixed pattern change that way. It is not working with the options under the midi sync menu because the one bar latency. Just from the DT to DN as I heard and not the other way around. I tried it with the latest OS and didn’t work.
Wait, I have already a midi splitter inbetween and Kenton 5 Midi Thru, perhaps that could be the issue? I have to try…

No, I just want to switch to the same pattern number. I am not at home, so I have to check next week. I guess my splitter causes the latency. I hope.

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Ah yes, maybe the splitter is doing something strange. Try a regular midi cable to see if it fixes it, then you’ll know if the splitter is the problem :slightly_smiling_face:

I am still curious if you use some time signatures in one of the boxes. That could give you problems. I had that issue when the Digitone is on a slower signature then the Digitakt.

If it’s the case, the handling of « SCALE PER TRACK » between boxes is deficient.

Thanks, I will check that, too. But mostly it will be always a mixture of different length between the boxes.

Make sure your master length is the same on both boxes if you apply different lengths.

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Nice. Thanks.

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I have the same problem when using different pattern lengths using different master length settings.
the problem seems to be the change length setting doesn’t work correctly when using program change to change patterns… It works fine when not sending pc
I’ve sent a support ticket but no reply…
It’s the same on every elektron if you look it up you will see threads about it.
You have to have the same master length or the one you send program change to will change late

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Thanks, I do not have the boxes at front right now.

Its still quiet confusing as we have two options to choose:
Direct Pattern Change
Program Change

(and master length and chain length)

So you are talking of a program change at the first beat of the new pattern to happen only if the the master length is set equal at both machines.
And direct pattern change should work at different master length?

The point is I want to set the digitone to 64 bars and the digitakt to 16 bars for example. That way I can sequence the digitakt in a longer digitone pattern.

Hard to explain. ,)

And how does it behave for example with an external controller like a footswitch?

Something to keep in mind is that pattern changes only happen sequentially so a pattern won’t change midway through.

I don’t have the boxes in front of me. But I would say set your master length on both devices on 64 and it should be in synth with each other. Could you tell what your exact settings are in the Digitone and Digitakt for Pattern changes?

I don’t think it’s a bug but intended. The patterns cant switch half Wat end always need to end cycle.

Yeah if you set both boxes to master length 64 it will work fine.
So what is the change length for then ?
It works on an individual box but not with pc messages

If you start changing it from master length 64, say you want to have a 3 step pattern that doesn’t restart for a long time and set the master length to 256 or inf, but you still want to be able to change patterns on intervals of 64 and set the change length to 64 it doesn’t work as you would think. It sends the pc message after the 64 have completed the box that received the pc will take another 64 before it will change…

The Change length sends late. When directly done on box itself it works fine but sending pc message it doesn’t work as you would think… so you are pretty much stuck with master length of 64 and can’t do other polyrhythms that use inf and high numbers if you still want to change at reasonable numbers if you choose.

I don’t bother with the change settings now.
When I first got my setup I couldn’t get them to all change in sync because thought the change length was actually doing something.
It Wasn’t until I set the master length the same on all them and disregarded the change length that it started working properly.

Anyhow I’ve learnt to deal with it as it seems to be a limitation
But it seems like a bug to me how it sends change length late as it works as you would expect in some scenarios but not others.
still would like to have got a response from support to confirm it as a limitation on the design but until then I’m considering it a bug

That is for if you set a master length of inf or a high number. So if you cue up a next pattern it get switched after the change length.

I know it sounds a bit buggy, but it is the same with different time signatures. Then the receiving end will be late with the pattern change. But it has to do with the Elektron protocol with the boxes together.

You could try to let the other box be the master. That worked sometimes in my case.

2 bad you haven’t received an answer. I don’t bother sending tickets anymore. But they answered to one ticket about the different timing signatures and that is by default. And I guess this is the same.

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I do understand and know that it is supposed to do.
And that does work on the box you change pattern on
But if syncing to another box the one that receives pc will change late.
So it’s kinda pointless to use change length when syncing to multiple elektrons unfortunately.
I’ve got 4 Elektrons they are all the same doesn’t matter which one is master.