Program Change: Model Cycles -> Model Samples

Hi all,

I’m posting this here because I couldn’t find an exact topic about this. I am trying to get the model cycles (parent) to control the program changes of model samples (child). I can’t quite get this to work. I’m sure it’s probably user error and I have read both manuals but I must be missing something. It’s currently not working for me. My workflow hope is that I can pattern chain on the fly from one place from the cycles and that the samples responds accordingly.

My chain looks like:
Pamela’s new workout extender -> Model Cycles -> Model Samples

Current settings =

Model Cycles:

Pch Out: 11
Ports: Thru
Out to: Midi

Clock Out: On
Pch Out: On

Model Samples:

Pch In: 11
Ports: Inp From: M + U
In to: Midi

Clk In: On
Pch In: On

Small side note: Transport/clock working fine and I’m using the elektron midi dongles so that’s not a concern… it’s just that the program changes aren’t working.

Thanks for the help!

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Did you check to see if the Model:Cycles sends program change to the Model:Samples without the Model:Cycles being connected to the Pamela’s New Workout Expander?

Looks to me like the problem is that the M:C is set to midi thru. So the midi output (program change) from the M:C will never go out through the midi port. There’s no merge, your choice in out or thru, and to get the PCH out, you need out.

That might possibly disturb your clock setup, not sure about that.

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Pamela’s is a clock, right? Would having Pam and Cycles sending Clock cause all sorts of problems?

I’m sure you’ve cleared this one, but I now (thanks elektronauts) alway double check I’ve not muted tracks

Ahhh… it looks like that one little switch from ‘thru’ to ‘out’ on the cycles did the trick. I was thinking about that incorrectly. Thanks for the help everyone!


yeah, pam’s is a clock that sends CV but I’m using the midi out expander. In this situation it’s my master clock so I can keep the modular stuff wrangled properly.